059 - Obsession

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(059 - Obsession)

You can already tell from the title of the chapter that it will be divided into two parts, and it's going to be Semeeha dominated 🌚.

I've decided to give babe a little break😌, so these particular chapters (parts 1 and 2) will be pretty different from the regular in her POV that pisses you off. You will kinda like her... pity her, and you will see her bring her to guard down just a little bit.

I'm anticipating how this will make y'all feel.

Let's get into it.

𝐒𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐇𝐀(Semeeha Iris Malik)

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(Semeeha Iris Malik)

The driver drove through the gates of the unfamiliar building before swerving right to find a parking space in the spacious parking lot. There weren't so many cars in the parking lot and it made me wonder if this was the right venue for the shoot. But mother cannot be in the car and not know that we were at the wrong place.

So, this has to be the place.

The driver parked and turned off the ignition before stepping out of the vehicle in a routinely fashion, leaving just Mother and me in the car. He did that all the time Mother was in the car with me because he knew that she always gives me one of her pep talks before we go for any shoot or a fashion show.

But even though this was a routine, I don't think I'll ever get used to the feeling of my mother and me in the same space.

Suddenly, that familiar unnerving feeling and tension that's always associated with my mother filled the car and began to suffocate me. I suddenly started feeling immense heat, pulling on the collar of my plain blue Kanan brand top to allow fresh air flow, but nothing.

The heat only intensified.

I wasn't sure if the heat was because the air conditioner was now off and the car windows were winded up, or it was because of the consciousness that Natasha Malik was just right beside me.

I definitely vote for the latter because even with her heavy clothes and even heavier makeup, Natasha Malik did not break as much as a bead of sweat on her forehead, or anywhere for that matter. So, it wasn't the car.

It was her. All her.

Is it normal to feel this nervous in the presence of someone that is meant to make you feel safe?

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