068 - The Forever Seal.

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(068 - The Forever Seal)

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Imago Dei 🙏🏾✨

Enjoy 🖤.

𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐀(Simisola André Jordan)

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(Simisola André Jordan)

I walked into the bustling hospital cafeteria, my lazy steps echoing softly on the linoleum floor, my eyes on the coffee section of the cafeteria. The scent of freshly brewed coffee enveloped me as I got closer and approached the counter, the rhythmic sound of the espresso machine filling the air.

"You again," The barista, a cheerful young woman that looked to be in her mid-twenties, and was probably already too used to my face flashed me a warm smile.

"Yes, me again," I answered, mustering a smile of my own. After my mum's bedside, this was definitely my second favorite spot in the entire hospital.

"Good morning," I greeted her, my voice tinged with a trace of grogginess from disrupted sleep.

"It's past noon," she gently corrected, her gaze momentarily flickering to the wall clock stationed by the entrance. My own eyes followed her gaze, confirming that it was indeed past noon.

Way past noon.

1:03 pm, it read.

I exhaled, rubbing my eyes as I looked back at the woman. My mind still felt a little hazy from sleep, and yeah, if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm just waking up.

"Right," I murmured, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Good afternoon," I corrected myself, still managing to smile at the nice woman. She nodded back, that cheerful smile still playing on her slips, I feared her cheeks might be hurting from smiling so much.

"Your usual?" she inquired. Settling onto a high stool at the counter, I nodded, my posture laced with a hint of lethargy as I placed my order.

"Extra milk, please," I added, my words a tad languid.

With a nod, she started crafting the perfect balance of espresso with steamed coffee. A yawn overcame me involuntarily, evidence of my need for caffeine.

"Long night."

It was more of a statement than a question, the empathy evident in her voice. I nodded in agreement, my drowsy state evident to both of us.

"Something like that," I responded. She didn't ask any more questions, only nodding in understanding while my mind went back to the events of the previous night's stroke in the wee hours of the morning.

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