039 - Beyond Chemistry.

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(039 - Beyond Chemistry.)

So in the last update, some people were insinuating that Tekena might be gay. Obara Jesus🤣! What?! How?! Because of his obsession with Jidenna? Plix 🤣. Tekena Joshua Tamuno likes boobs way too much to be gay, or even bi.

The reason why he was that way in the last update is because he still wants to control all affairs of Jidenna's life. But the fact that Jidenna has been spending time with Adela means his control over Jidenna is slowly slipping.

Someone even guessed and said he has OCD which is somewhat true. He is obsessive and aggressive but trust me, the bulk of his obsession isn't aimed at Jidenna. He just feels entitled to Jidenna for some sick reasons. If you grab, you grab.

For people that think he is a good friend to Jidenna, he kinda is but in his own twisted and messed up way. A path that only ends in destruction.

Sha, Tekena is not gay 🌚.

Now, are y'all ready to learn some chemistry?😌

𝐃𝐀𝐖𝐍(Dawn Damipe Dayo)

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(Dawn Damipe Dayo)

The intro of Iggy Azalea ft Rita Ora's Black Widow started playing through the speakers of the dance studio and all the female dancers got into position with me taking the lead. I took in another deep breath, glancing at Collins who stood with the rest of the guys just a few distances from us, a smirk playing on his lips.

"The floor is yours." He said and I grinned, turning my head back to the front to stare at myself in the mirror ahead just as the intro slowly came to an end. So, I made the call.

"Five, Six, Seven, Eight." I counted and we started the Dance Drill, all of us on the floor moving together in synchronization just as Rita Ora started singing.

I'm gonna love you, until you hate me
And I'm gonna show you, what's really crazy

The rest of the Dance team that wasn't on the floor with us began to hype, cheer and hail us and I smiled into the mirror watching myself and the girls behind me dance with unmatched and intense vigor to the song, increasing our steps as the tempo of the song got faster.

At first, I was skeptical about choosing this song because of the constant switch in beat and increase in tempos but Collin's convinced me that it was the best song to test our flow, our pace, and how well we can control our body when the tempo and the beat of a song switches. He said it was also a way to test the capability of the new dancers that we had.

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