030a - On a Date Part 1

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(030a - On a Date Part 1)

Happy New Year Mi Familia🎊🎉🥳

Important Notice

So in the last update, I realized that some of you guys were kinda bashing Gigi for not acknowledging Semeeha. I'm not supposed to say anything and let you guys keep assuming but let me just put it out here.

Gigi actually has nothing personal against Semeeha. They didn't have a fight or a clash sometime in the past. As a person, you might not want to talk to or want to be friends with certain people because of certain behaviors, characters and attitudes they exhibit and that's exactly what Gigi feels about Semeeha. It's just normal human nature.

Some of you were also saying Gigi should have at least said hello to her instead of ignoring her, but the truth is, Semeeha ignores a whole lot of people in their class. Gigi didn't even ignore her. If she was ignoring Semeeha, she would have completely acted like she wasn't there even after Kizito pointed her attention to her presence.

Remember when Semeeha outrightly disregarded Adela and Sochima (Chapter 14 and 19 respectively), or when her fans were greeting her and she acted like they weren't even there. Now you see that Gigi only gives her the taste of her own medicine. Besides, they have never spoken to each other before, so why start now?

Sha Sha, they'll still talk to each other... basically because of Kizito anyway. But you now understand that Gigi isn't a bad person. She's just wired like every one of us.

I'm talking too much. Go ahead and read biko 🤣.

𝐃𝐀𝐖𝐍(Dawn Damipe Dayo)

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(Dawn Damipe Dayo)

"This is the last day before you go on your mid-term break, guys." Our CRS teacher, Mrs. Teniola began, her lips stretching in a bright smile when the entire class erupted in cheers, claps, and catcalls. I laughed heartily, beating my pen gently against my desk.

Finally! We all need the few days of rest. I thought to myself.

The mid-term break after the first test was something that was well earned in Crestview. Unlike most schools that still heap their students with assignments during their break, Crestview made sure no teacher gave us anything. They wanted us to rest our brains.

Sir Isaac's words this morning, not mine.

"I want to commend everyone for a job well done in the past test." She continued, "Nobody failed the CRS test, though some of you could have done better. Which is why we are going to have a quiz real quick." She dropped the bombshell.

"Argh!" Everyone lamented, the class breaking into murmurs and whispers of disapproval. I hissed lowly.

So much for allowing our brains to rest. I rolled my eyes.

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