027b - I've Got Your Back Part 2

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(027b - I've Got Your Back Part 2)

This chapter is dedicated to Donaldprince for the new cover✨🔥.

We are on 30k Views People 🥺❤️🔥. Heuww! Thank you so much you guys. Couldn't have done it without you. If you haven't, go check out the new pictures of Sochima and Adela, as well as the new Aesthetics for all the faceclaims.

In the last author's note, I said Hilary will see another side to Simi in this new update. We have seen observant Simi, caring Simi, playful and witty Simi, insanely intelligent Simi, Positive Simi, and angry Simi. Which Simi do you think we'll get to see in this update?

You can still drop your guesses before diving into this chapter 😌.

𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐘(Hilary Idara Eghosa)

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(Hilary Idara Eghosa)

Tutoring Simi was... tough.

Very tough.

Today was Wednesday, the third day since we began these tutorials and on God, we haven't made any progress at all. We only had about four days till the test starts but at this pace, we'd have nothing by the end of the week. I was trying my best to mask my frustration and be patient, but Simi wasn't making it easy. He wasn't making it easy at all.

When Gigi Esho told me he gets easily impatient and frustrated when he doesn't get something fast, I didn't know what she meant till now. And gosh, it was driving me crazy. This was definitely a side to Simi I don't think I'll ever get accustomed to.

"This is hopeless," He hissed, aggressively pushing the books away from him, almost shoving them off the table to the floor. I sighed, pausing my lips, and took the books to my side.

Right now, we were in our class after school hours. Almost everyone had gone home, so it was just two of us on the block.

"Okay," I drawled, flipping through the mathematics textbook. "Maybe we just need to try another formula for the equation and..."

"No," He cut me off, adamantly refusing and I looked at him. "We have tried ten different formulas for that particular equation. Ten, Hilary!" His voice rose, causing me to flinch slightly. But that wasn't what caught me.

It was the intense frustration and anger I could hear in his tone. He hated the fact that he wasn't getting anything right.

"I can't even find one that works for me," He continued, his voice even more intense than the last. "One that I can easily remember. Everything just looks like gibberish to me. I can't keep doing this, okay? It's a complete waste of time. I'm done."

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