031 - Something More.

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(031 - Something More)

This is the longest chapter I have ever written. I tried to divide it but I really didn't want to elongate that chapters that have to do with Dawn and Chima, so I just tried to fix everything into this one chapter.

In fact, I summarised a lot of parts. I even had to remove some discussions to fix into another part of the book. I just hope this chapter isn't too tacky because I'm honestly 50% satisfied with it.

Enjoy 😩.

𝐃𝐀𝐖𝐍(Dawn Damipe Dayo

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(Dawn Damipe Dayo.)

Wow! She's good!

No, scratch that. She's Amazing!

She had barely even started, just casually flowing hesitantly to the beat of the song and I was already getting impressed. Even the crowd was getting impressed, hooting and hailing her. I looked at the tall guy that had dragged her out, watching him keep his eyes on the girl, a wide smile spread across his lips.

He was feeling her. He was vibing her.

♪♪See feelings get messy now
Its the last thing that we need now♪♪

The crowd was getting louder and louder in their cheering. I even joined them when the girl started getting more into the dance, letting herself free into the rhythm of the music.

I watched her move her body, a more relaxed smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she hit every beat, every tempo until she finally let herself go into the song and began to dance like no one was watching.

Holy God! My eyes widened in awe as I watched her get it.

She's phenomenal. This girl is a phenomenal dancer. What in the world!

I don't easily get impressed when I see people dancing, given that I've been dancing all my life and I knew the in and out of it. Dance has been inbuilt in me from heaven.

But this girl? Damn! She's Awesome!

And as expected, the crowd went wild, screaming their lungs out like lunatics!

♪♪Ouu, give it to me...
Nobody have to know that you give it to me...♪♪

Her tall friend joined her just like Chima had joined me earlier on, dancing in perfect sync with her. It honestly felt like they had rehearsed and choreographed the entire dance routine before now because... What! And what the hell is this Chemistry I'm feeling from them?

The boy was good, very good on his own, but together? Mehn, they were a Power House!

The crowd seemed to agree because the screams got louder, more and more people adding to the crowd by the minute. Everyone had their phones up, capturing the both of them, cheering them on with even louder hypes.

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