063 - Heartbreak

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(063 - Heartbreak)

Before we move further with the story, I'd like to introduce you to someone that will be making a fresh appearance in this chapter. With no further Ado, It is my greatest honor to introduce you to Simi's second mummy

 With no further Ado, It is my greatest honor to introduce you to Simi's second mummy

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(Ife-Toyosi Andréa Jordan, everyone!😭🥵❤️🔥)

Isn't she a Beauty! 😭🔥

And her making an appearance in this chapter of all chapters... hehehe😀. I have nothing else to say, so... Enjoy! (You guys will definitely not enjoy this chapter💀)

𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐀(Simisola André Jordan)

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(Simisola André Jordan)

Big sis 💕.

That was the caller ID that stared back at me when I picked up my phone to see who was calling me. And if I said I wasn't shocked by it, I'd be lying through my teeth. I mean, it was enough to diffuse the thrill of what just happened between Hilary and me in the pool, and nothing was strong enough to do that... except a few things.

This is one of them.

My elder sister, Ife-Toyosi Andréa Jordan, was calling me for the first time in almost forever

Now, don't get me wrong. It's not like it was a bad thing that she was calling me, but I won't deny the fact that it was pretty strange.

It's been a pretty long while since Andréa and I have spoken on the phone or even via Facetime. And no, it wasn't because we were drifting apart or something of that sort because we were quite close, closer than most siblings that were about four thousand miles away from each other, separated by the ocean and also by the timeline.

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