1st Kill - Class 3-E

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"Nagisa~" Karma says in that singsong voice he always has. "You excited about the tournament? I know I am."

He's wearing a battle ready uniform with room for weapons, but he isn't packing anything but the standard anti-Korosensei knife. Same as me.

"I don't know..." I look away, curious on why the principle would sign off on such a thing. He hates class 3-E, but we're clearly the only ones suited for a tournament such as this. "You don't think it's... weird?"

"Well of course it's shady." He shrugs, smiling in a carelessly confident way. "But between you and me, we'll figure it out."

"Hey, all of us are entering, you know!" Nakamura points an angry finger at Karma. "You always think you're the best. You hardly even show up for class half the time!"

"And yet I still manage to beat you! Nagisa's the only one with any real skill." Karma pulls me up by the shoulders. "Hence, everyone else is worthless."

"Excuse me!!" Nakamura yells.

"You know we're all entered as a class, right?" Kayano adds.

"But there's still only one winner. Even so, we'd have the advantage if we worked together to make sure we take up all ten of the final spots." Isogai smiles. "Then I'd be okay if Karma or Nagisa wins."

"That means it'll have to be a team effort until then, got it?" Nakamura glares at Karma.

"Yeah, okay." Karma concedes, holding up his hands. "I understand. Whatever gets us a win."

"Yeah!" a few of our classmates shout out.

Am I the only one that questions the validity of this?

Principle Asano was intent on not letting our "abilities" go to waste, explaining that this contest was a way for Class 3-E to redeem itself in the school's eyes. I can't help but wonder if it's meant to break us down somehow, even if the tournament does seem tailored specifically to us.

They just started it this year and invited many people aged twenty-five and under to join. Anyone talented with martial arts and weaponry is encouraged to participate. They were flooded with contestants, the prize being a large sum of money and bragging rights as the first winners. Principle Asano thought it would broaden the school's prestige, considering they've been leaning on their exceeding academic scores alone. This would be the first major contest not centered on academics, and he expresses a sincere hope that the worst of Kunugigaoka will win, showcasing the best is yet to come.

So, it makes sense, but something still bothers me.

We arrive on an island in the middle of the Pacific, somewhere north of Hawaii

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We arrive on an island in the middle of the Pacific, somewhere north of Hawaii. I didn't even know there was such a big island here. Just in our approach from the sea, most of it looks manufactured. There are hardly any trees and it's covered in mismatched buildings. They all seem connected, but vary in height. No one is on the beach and if it weren't for all the other contestants arriving at the same time in separate boats, it'd look almost abandoned.

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