15th Kill - Hunt

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"Come here, asshole!" Stag shouts as I run away.

I have to make it look like I left.

I glance up at the timer and get an idea, hiding behind one of the oddly shaped items. Each of the items you can hide behind, or in, or whichever, looks like something from a Picasso painting. They're just blobs or blurry renditions of what they're supposed to be. I peek around one of the strange shapes and watch Stag and Gerit in their knife fight. I look over at another object and dash to it, hiding again. I wait long enough that I'm confident Gerit is more into the fight and less worried about me, shooting my zipline out to the timer. Zipping up quickly, I hide on top of it, and wait.

Did he see me?

I decide to wait until the timer has nearly run out, or Stag needs help. Watching closely, I notice that Stag's going all-out, but Gerit is casually blocking. Nothing else. Once I get a good angle of his expression, he seems bored.

Is he just toying with him?

"Hey!" Stag screams, backing away. "You even gonna fucking try?" His chest heaves, as he tries to regain his breath.

Gerit stands up straight and then puts away his knife. I lie on top of the timer, shocked.

He doesn't even want to kill him.

Gerit turns to leave when Stag gets aggravated and attacks again. Gerit catches Stag's right wrist, twisting it in such a way that he lets go of the knife.

"Fuck you!" Stag struggles beneath him. Gerit then searches the area. For me, I realize.

Good. He doesn't know where I'm at.

Stag kicks at Gerit's leg and grabs at him, tearing his pouch. Coins spill out everywhere and I know this is my chance. Silently, I jump from the timer with only four minutes remaining, flying towards him, knife drawn.

Gerit looks around for maybe a second before he glares up at me. Without a second thought, he breaks Stag's wrist and draws two knives to defend, blocking me.

Stag screams out in pain as the knives clash against each other. The only thing I see in Gerit's eyes is a focused concentration on me, like nothing else matters. It's almost like he knew I was dangerous all along.

But how could he know that?

I rebound off his knives, pulling back, knowing I don't really have anything else up my sleeve. He doesn't let down his guard at all, eyes trained on me. The bell chimes and the hosts scream out in unison that there's three minutes remaining before the hunters are sent out. Gerit takes a step back, pulling off his pouch and slipping the contents into another he has on the opposite side. It sounds like it's full of coins. Then he runs off, eyes never leaving me.

I hear shuffling around and see Stag scrambling for the coins with one hand. I step forward to help, but he waves me off.

"Just go. We'll split it later." He winces as his right hand moves. "I'll be fine. You okay if I take your hiding place on the timer?" He offers me a smile and I look up to see just over two minutes remaining.

"I don't, but—"

"I'm almost done anyway." He's already slid most of the coins into his pouch.

"Fine." I concede, running off to find a hiding place.

I frantically look around and spot a deflated balloon shaped object. Curious, I crawl underneath to find it hollow. It's just big enough for me to fit inside, and the opening hovers over the ground with some steel pipes. While it's bad to put myself in such a closed space, I can't imagine being found easily, especially if they think it's not hollow. Then I remember what I'm dealing with. Who knows what rules demons go by. The bell chimes again, the hosts warning us that there's only one minute left.

Assassin Skills Required - Round OneWhere stories live. Discover now