9th Kill - Fountain

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The beginning starts out pretty nicely. The rings are as tall as me making them easy to go through and I back track twice for two more coins. Now that I'm actively looking for them, they're easier to spot while still being well hidden.

"Geez, save some for the rest of us." Sugino teases.

"Actually, you think we should give them to him anyway?" Yada asks.

"Oh, do you think there's a penalty for not having any?" Sugino turns back to me as he flies through another ring.

"You should have asked that earlier!" Yada shouts, following after.

I catch sight of a hidden loop under a bridge nearby. "Hey, next one's over there!"

"Thanks!" Sugino calls out, using the zipline to change his trajectory to make it to the loop. He disappears under the bridge, quickly shooting out the other side. "There's a coin in there!"

"What?" Yada goes through and I hear a small crash. "Ow..." she groans.

I follow through, Yada half over the loop with her zipline still leading out the side she came in. "You okay?" The coin is hanging just outside the top of the loop.

No wonder they didn't get it.

"It's yours!" I swing out of the small tunnel shooting out another hook so I don't touch the ground. Sugino is heading back on foot towards Yada.

"Hey, check out the next couple of loops, will ya!" he yells before jogging under the bridge.

"Kay!" I respond, continuing on. The next two are easy, but the third loop is angled strangely and also green.

"Hey!" Kayano waves before flying through the loop. "I got six now. How about you?"

"Oh, same!" I respond.

"Where are the other two?" Isogai swings through next when the loop's color starts to fade.

Watching, it turns blue just before Hayami goes through.

Oh, crap!

"It changed." Hayami slows her trajectory.

"Don't worry about it. I'll make sure to skip this one." I wave off.

"You sure?" Isogai asks.

"What's going on? I'm just flying off without you here." Kayano pulls up, hanging from the decorative ceiling. There's no shortage of things for our hooks to grab onto. Rails, ledges, spots of intricately designed lattices, all kinds of things.

"When Hayami went through, it was blue." Isogai explains.

"No way! So they change colors?" Kayano exclaims.

"Hey! Didn't think we'd meet up so soon." Sugino flies through the loop before slowing down to a stop. "Why are you all just hanging there?"

"Coming through!" Yada follows Sugino, joining after.

"We need to make sure we jump through the right color. This one changes." Isogai points out just as it changes back to green.

"Doesn't that mean we're getting disqualified?" Sugino worries.

"I didn't go through." My hands pat the air in an easy motion.

"Just make sure you're careful from now on. Good luck!" Isogai continues on the course, Kayano and Hayami following along.

"No way!" Yada eyes the color changing loop.

"Well, it was bound to get harder eventually." Sugino shrugs, motioning to move on.

Assassin Skills Required - Round OneWhere stories live. Discover now