10th Kill - Rankings

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Yada comes back first accompanied by two other ladies, just as Damien is waking up.

"Hey!" I call out, waving her down.

"What happened?" She runs up to me.

"You're such an ass!" One of the other girls says to Damien, kicking him in the leg.

The list of rankings conveniently disappeared shortly after my scuffle with him.

"Are you okay?" Yada asks, looking over me carefully.

"Yeah, but, we're not paired with them, are we?" I point over towards Damien and the two girls with blonde hair.

"Yeah, we are, but they're really good." She glances over at them. "Who's the guy?"

My shoulders slump.

Great. I'm paired with the guy that tried to kill me.

The second girl kicks him in the gonads and I sympathetically close my legs.

At least they don't like him either.

"Meksi and Rahksi are sisters, and they're both ranked in the top ten right now. That's why I grabbed them. Hold on a moment." Yada runs over to join the other girls.

I just barely can't make out what they're saying over the flow of water in the fountain, but Yada gets really mad and kicks him in the face, huffing back over to me with our new teammates.

"He's the reason Senta got disqualified." The older of the girls says. "So I imagine he was trying to do the same to your friend."

The younger one gazes at me curiously. "You're really the one ranked in second place?"

"That's right!" Yada motions towards me like I'm a trophy she's showing off. "Meet Nagisa." She turns to me. "That one's Rahksi." She points to the older one. "And that one's Meksi." The younger one waves shyly. "They're rank six and ten respectively. Isn't that great?"

"Hey, I got us a room!" Sugino shouts out from the side.


"For a second, I thought Damien was on your team." I sigh as Sugino sets me on one of the six beds in the room. It's fourth from the door and right across from the bathroom.

"No way! He's the reason we aren't three strong anymore!" Rahksi shouts angrily. "And Senta was the strongest too."

"He's a loner." Meksi adds, her voice small and empty.

"Does that mean he never works with others?" Yada asks, curious.

"It increases your ranking. The only thing that beats the loner status is an actual handicap, which I assume includes that." Rahksi points down to the tracker.

"That reminds me, it doesn't like water." I cross my legs, getting comfortable.

"That's actually really helpful." Yada mumbles.

"Hey, I'll be right back." Sugino runs off to the bathroom and soon I hear the water running.

"How'd you get it anyway?" Rahksi asks.

I give her a half smile, finding it ironic, funny, morbid, and a few other things at the same time. "Friend gave it to me."

"Some friend." she responds coolly.

"So, you know anything else about the others in the top ten?" Yada redirects.

"Only number one." Rahksi narrows her eyes, staring at us with an unnerving gaze. "He's mute, which counts as a handicap. And last I checked, he has over fifty coins. On top of that, he's a loner!" She crosses her arms. "It's like he already knew how to play the game. You're number two and your stats aren't near as good."

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