27th Kill - Scavenger

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The next morning is strange.

Stag had left breakfast early only to arrive at the challenge room with Gerit patting his head. It's really comical to see Stag's face an annoyed and embarrassed bright red. Gerit has a more relaxed, stoic expression himself.

"Good morning!" The creator cheerfully says. "Are you ready for the next challenge?"

Silence answers.

"Aw, I thought you wanted to save your friends or whatever." The creator waves a hand in front of his face as though chasing away a bad smell. "Anywho, let's start, shall we?"

The door opens up and the three judges walk in. The middle guy is the one that doesn't like me. From the smile, I assume the third is the one that's rooting for me.

"Jerry, Larry and Barry will be assisting me today." The creator nods. "Each has hidden an object for you to find, including me." He reaches behind himself and pulls out some papers, as if by magic. "Here's a map for each of you. You have until noon to find everything."

The judges also pull out some maps as well, offering the neatly folded papers with our names on them one at a time. The middle guy, Larry, snorts in disgust when he hands me mine. The third guy, Barry smiles confidently, giving me an encouraging thumbs up. The creator eyes me carefully, that misleading grin still hiding things all too well.

What am I missing?

"You will be graded on how quickly you obtain the little boxes of your color. The map shows you what your color is. You may start searching now. Have fun!" The creator waves to us.

I open up the first note from Jerry. It has a picture of the hotel and an arrow directed at the highest point.

Does that mean inside or outside?

I open the one from Larry and it has a weight drawn on it with a blue square underneath.


The one from Barry has a vase with an arrow pointing inside. The darkness is colored in around it.

Is it in a dark place?

And the creator's... The object is shown hanging on a necklace, around the neck of a demon.


I look up and notice I'm the only one left besides the judges and creator.

"Where are you going first, I wonder." The creator taps his chin curiously.

"Um, am I allowed to ask you questions?" I quickly fold up the papers again, purposely trying to look nervous and lost.

Larry rolls his eyes and turns away with a groan.

"Well, it's up to the person to answer." The creator grins. "I think my clue is obvious enough."

"I don't feel like answering." Larry grumbles.

The other two shrug, unopposed to the idea. I start with Jerry, showing him the picture pointing to the top of the building.

"Is this inside or outside?" I ask.

"Outside." Jerry responds blandly.

I glance at the picture again before stuffing it into a pocket with Larry's and the creator's.

"And this." I open the third one and point to the vase. "Is it supposed to be in a dark place?"

"Yes." Barry answers.

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