13th Kill - Introductions

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I take a deep breath, listening to Sugino and Yada's steady breathing. Rahksi never came back last night and Yada cried until she passed out.

It's not just the dark sea anymore.

I quietly sit up, observing the darkness and going over everything in my head. I was seething with rage last night, but now I have a clearer mind after a good night's rest. I'd been slowly getting angrier as my friends were being changed or killed throughout the course of the contest. However...

If I plan on really doing something about it, I need to polish my second blade.

Outside, the light grows as though emulating a time-lapsed sunrise. Sugino stirs first.

"Nagisa...?" he peeks over at me, yawning and then sitting up. "Been up long?" I shake my head and he peeks past me at the first two empty beds. "Never came back, huh?"

I clench my fists tightly and remember to breathe. Taking in a deep breath, I try to relax.

"What's the plan?" I ask, determined.

"Well..." Sugino looks away, "clearly this contest doesn't care about lives."

"So we should end it before anyone else gets hurt." I demand again, still feeling the same as last night.

"I still think we should wait and talk to everyone else." Sugino offers me a sympathetic look. "I mean, what if we found a way to save the others while keeping us safe? I'm angry too, but we can't just go and make a decision for everyone else."

"But when will we even see them again?" I argue.

"You're still angry. You know that, right?" he responds softly, his own determination coming through.

"I know." I sigh, averting my gaze. I catch sight of Yada staring emptily in my direction. "Hey, you okay?"

"Kataoka wouldn't want us to leave them behind." She slowly sits up, her entire presence screaming defeat. "She may be gone, but everyone that succumbed to the dark sea... who knows. What if we can save them?"

"Hey, Zen." Sugino calls out, the projection coming to life.

"Good morning." Zen says pleasantly. "What can I do for you?"

"Is there a way we can contact the others?" Sugino asks.

"There is not, but you should be reunited after this next challenge." Zen responds.

"After?" I spit out.

Zen's eyes go directly to me. Again, it's odd that he knows where to look. I wonder if there's a camera here too that represents his sight.

Or maybe he has a holographic projection of us.

"Actually, there are few enough of you left that you'll all be brought together, if more contestants can be wiped out soon," he explains.

"You mean killed?" Sugino exasperates.

"I mean the dark sea." Zen corrects.

"Why can't you tell us if our friends are okay? I just need to know if we can save them." Yada desperately leans in closer. "Please?"

"You'll have to take that up with the creator, which you can do so once we've gotten it down to ten contestants." Zen responds robotically, ignoring the emotion.

"That's it..." I mumble, standing up on the foot of the bed. "Why can't we quit the contest?" I shout.

"Because we sent the boats back." Zen returns.

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