28th Kill - Riddle

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By noon, everyone makes it back except Zerren.

"Looks like we have a loser!" the creator smiles, motioning to the side. "Go fetch your charge will you?"

Ren groans in aggravation and disappointment.

"So what's in the boxes?" Nakamura shakes hers to see if she can hear anything.

"Nothing." the creator coolly responds.

"What?" Stag shouts, eagerly opening his boxes to find them all empty.

"I'm disappointed. And here I thought you'd put the next challenge inside." Nakamura teases.

"Hm, I should have. I like that idea. Next time." He waves off, pulling out a small, velvet bag. "Come draw your next challenge. Gerit?"

He drops the white boxes on the floor, annoyed and goes to grab something from the bag. Gerit seems calmer, less angry than yesterday. Whatever he figured out changed how he views the creator.

"You have until the end of lunch to answer." the creator informs us.

"Answer what?" Isogai asks.

Gerit pulls out a small piece of paper, staring at it carefully.

"The riddle." the creator answers.

Gerit grins, handing it back to the creator confidently.

"Oh, you can write your answer down if you—" the creator reads the paper. "Well of course you got this one." He snatches it from Gerit. "What disappears as soon as you say its name?"

Gerit crosses his arms and waits.

"Oh, wow, that really was perfect." Nakamura nods.

"What is it?" I ask.

Stag motions to Gerit. "It's silence, obviously!"

"I hope they're all that easy." Isogai scratches the side of his face.

I start to worry, having not gotten it as fast as everyone else.

"Alright, you're next, Nagisa." the creator shakes the bag once.

I walk up and stick my hand in, grabbing the first one I touch. I open the paper and read it in my head.

This belongs to you, but everyone else uses it.

I narrow my eyes.

What could that be?

The only one that is able to figure theirs out before lunch is Gerit. The rest of us leave the challenge room, dreading the hour we have to solve the riddle.

"No helping on this one." the creator warns.

We head towards the cafeteria and grab a plate, sitting down at a table. The spectators all chat with each other while the rest of us try to figure out our riddles. Stag keeps staring at his hands, opening and closing his fists. Nakamura leans back in her chair, searching the room for something. Isogai makes frequent glances at the floor. I spot Gerit in the far corner, eyeing the other contestants carefully.

Wonder what he's thinking.

"Zerren!" Kayano calls out.

"You okay, man?" Sugino asks, pulling up a chair.

"You guys saw?" Zerren responds, face red.

"Yeah, tough luck." Lannamay raises an eyebrow.

"What happened?" Nakamura pauses her hunt for the answer.

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