6th Kill - Demons

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The door at the end of the hall leads to a smaller room. The nine of us stand there and wait for the next challenge. There are two doors in front of us, a sign in the middle saying that further instructions will be provided shortly.

"Man, they didn't give us breakfast or nothing this morning." Okajima complains.

"Didn't you have anything in the fridge?" Isogai asks, shifting around and moving me further up on his back.

"S-sorry." I mumble.

"Don't worry about it." he reassures.

I still feel like such a hassle.

"I ate it all last night." Okajima waves off.

"Not our fault you're a pig!" Kayano crosses her arms, annoyed. "Is it too late to trade?"

"We decided on our teams based on our abilities." Kataoka explains. "And Isogai has to be paired with Nagisa."

"I could trade with Nakamura!" Kayano whines.

"Oh, come on! I'm not that bad!" Okajima retorts.

A projection flickers to life between the doors.

"You have no idea how bad you—" Kayano starts.

"Good morning." the host bows politely. "I was curious if you were going to make it through the night." He tilts his head and seems to be looking right at me. He's genuinely pleased and his smile deepens. "Ready for your instructions?"

"You bet your ass we are!" Nakamura shouts with determination.

"Good!" he claps his hands together once and holds them there. "The next challenge will consist of puzzles for you to solve. I must admit, this is my favorite challenge thus far."

"We've only had two..." Kayano mumbles.

"What dangers are included in this challenge?" Yada speaks up, stepping forward.

"Hm." The host regards her carefully.

He wasn't expecting her to ask.

"Though there is no clock, time will always be kept." he responds.

"Uh, a riddle?" Sugino asks.

"A warning." Nakamura corrects. "There's a time limit."

"What happens when it runs out?" Isogai asks.

"When the day is done, night always falls." the host responds.

"Are you going to answer every question like that?" Okajima throws his arms out to the side.

The host's soft smile disappears. He curtly responds, "No."

A couple of us chuckle, me included.

"So what does the day and night thing mean?" Sugino turns to the other classmates.

"I wonder if it's that black ooze from the first challenge." Kayano suggests. A couple of the others gasp.

"What happens when we touch the black ooze?" Nakamura questions next.

"I cannot say." The host responds coolly.

Then it's not the darkness that is the night.

A thought comes to mind and I can't help but lean forward a bit, Isogai unexpectedly needing to correct his balance.

"Hey!" Isogai calls out.

"Is it our friends that fell into the darkness? The part about night falling?" I ask, worried that I might be right. Everyone's eyes turn to the host.

Assassin Skills Required - Round OneWhere stories live. Discover now