2nd Kill - Start!

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The next day after breakfast, Class 3-E enters an area connected to the back of the hotel. Many eyes go wide as we realize that all the misshapen buildings are connected, and the obstacle course is enormous inside.

"Dude, I can't believe this is all inside!" Yoshida moves back a little, taking in the scene.

"This is like this one obscure manga I read before. What was it called again?" Fuwa scratches her head, searching the recesses of her mind for the title, not that anyone else will know what it is.

It's odd because everything seems to be made of either marble or concrete. The floor is set up like a skate park, but the ceiling looks like a setup from Ninja Warriors. There are some normal looking walkways on the side with rails and everything that makes it look like part of a mall. In some places, the floor dips off and I can't see past it.

"Welcome, contestants." a speaker nearby bellows out. In front of us, the floor opens up and a platform rises, carrying various weapons and supplies. The robotic male voice continues.

"Before you, we have provided all the utilities you'll be allowed for the duration of the contest. You may back out at any time before it begins. You will face many obstacles on your way to the finish line. Many of you will not make it."

The last part sounds more ominous than it should, even for a robot recording. It's almost like it was trying to say "you won't make it to the finish line" while really meaning "you won't make it period". Karma and Nakamura seem to pick up on this, but everyone else is just excited, willing to prove its declaration wrong.

"If your equipment breaks, you will not receive a replacement until your next challenge. If it is found faulty without tampering, you will be given allowances when we are considering your rankings. If you use anything not provided by us or found on the course, you will be disqualified immediately. We will be watching."

I casually check my surroundings, unable to spot any cameras.

They must be very well hidden.

"By accepting these items, you are hereby officially entering the contest. Please surrender anything foreign at this time. Again, you will be disqualified if you don't."

Every single one of us surrenders their anti-Kurosensei knives, most of us thinking it wouldn't have mattered since they're harmless. One by one, each of us takes a second to decide on whether or not to officially join.

"I know it sounds scary, but we are class 3-E!" Isogai raises a small knife provided by whoever is running this thing. "No one can beat us!"

"That's right, 'cause we're awesome!" Terasaka picks up his. "I mean, who else practices against an invincible being every day?"


"They're right, we can do it!"

A bit more steadily, everyone grabs their items. They provided a multipurpose knife, a zipline harness and a belt to match. On the belt is a device with four handles that look like lightsabers. They shoot out hooks instead of light though. The next item isn't as obvious. It looks like an emerald cut crystal. Looking at everyone else's, they seem to come in various colors. Mine's blue.

I pocket the gem and pick up the next item: an empty pouch. I don't really need it since the battle suit I came in already has plenty of pockets, but I attach it to my belt just in case. The last item is another one I don't understand. It's a single gold coin. Everyone got one, but I'm not sure if it's real or not. It would be a really convincing counterfeit if it wasn't though, at least to me.

"Everyone have their stuff?" Isogai asks. "Just to be sure, we're all doing this?"

"Yeah!" most of them shout.

Assassin Skills Required - Round OneWhere stories live. Discover now