11th Kill - Damien

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I'm startled awake to Yada shaking me.

"What!" I bolt upright.

"Meksi, she's gone!" she exclaims.

Rahksi sits on her sister's bed, hands clutching the blanket with pure rage.

"Waz goin' on?" Sugino sits up, still half asleep in the bed on the other side of me.

"Someone took her..." Rahksi growls.

"Come on. Let's go find her." Yada nods, dashing over and tossing my gear to me.

As it lands, I notice there isn't the sound of the coins clacking together in the pouch. I check to find only the tracker gem inside.

"My coins!" I yell out.

"What?" Sugino says, a little more awake now. He checks his stuff on the nightstand between us, eyes going wide when he opens the pouch. "Mine too!"

"You're telling me we've been robbed?" Yada shouts, her face pinched and annoyed from finding her pouch just as empty.

"Good morning!" a stereosound of Ren and Zen blasts from the sudden projection on the side of the room.

"As you may have noticed, one of you is missing." Zen starts.

"Every group is missing someone." Ren smirks at his play on words.

"You have until noon to free her from the loner's clutches." Zen waves a hand towards the door.

"But don't worry, nothing can happen to them until you either free them, or run out of time!" Ren's smile grows, causing him to close his eyes as if he wasn't just giving one of us a death sentence.

"Any questions?" Zen asks.

"Was it that asshole, Damien?" Rahksi lowers her gaze as she stands up, a decent amount of bloodlust in her eyes, which surprises me. From her actions yesterday, she didn't seem the type.

"And what happened to our coins?" Yada holds open her empty pouch to the projections.

"Interesting." Zen turns to Ren. "Seems one of the loners was a thief."

"Well, as long as he didn't disqualify them outright, he didn't break the rules." Ren holds up his arms in a "w" formation and shakes his head.

"What a jerk!" Sugino shouts, sliding on his shoes after having already put on his gear.

I realize I'm behind and quickly put everything on myself.

"So, where do we find him?" Rahksi draws her knife and holds it to her side like she's ready to strike.

Both of the hosts point to the door and respond at the same time. "Somewhere within the borders of the hotel."


The hosts don't give us much information but as far as we can tell, it's loners versus groups. The loners have rules to follow as well, but we're not allowed to know what they are until after the challenge. Not comfortable with leaving her alone, Yada partners with Rahksi to find her sister, leaving Sugino and I behind to do the same on our own.

"Where should we check?" Sugino asks.

"Well..." I grumble, getting sick of this curse despite it being the only reason I'm in second place. "I'm not very useful on the ground."

"No, but there is a place you can check." Sugino heads out of the hotel, running along the side towards a large spring with holograms of animals using it. The hotel itself is very large, but only one story tall.

Assassin Skills Required - Round OneWhere stories live. Discover now