14th Kill - Hide

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They all take turns saying a sentence, relaying the instructions piece by piece. Together, this is what they tell us:

"Your job is to hide."

"The first to be found will be disqualified!" Ren says with a flourish.

"The second to be found will be disqualified as well." Zen adds.

"You have thirty minutes to hide before we release the hunters."

"We'll only be using a few, but as you've seen in previous challenges, they may prove difficult."

"You may trade ten coins to stay in the contest if you're one of the first two."

"But if you don't have enough, you'll lose anyway!" Ren adds, throwing his arms in the air.

"And the demons may disqualify you of their own accord." Zen gives an amused look to Ren.

"The challenge will last four hours."

"If they can't find you within that time limit, you will receive a five coin bonus at the end of the challenge."

"Any questions?" All five of them ask at once.

The five hosts spread out to answer them. I notice Gerit doesn't move, but he does seem to be listening in somewhat.

"Where do we go when we're found?" Isogai asks.

"You don't hide and there is no goal." Zen explains. "You must simply survive at that point. You can hide again, but it won't affect your ranking."

"Only the first two get disqualified though?" Kayano asks next.

"Correct." Zen nods.

"So we could technically all make it." Sugino nods.

"Um, I only have nine coins." Isogai raises his hand a bit.

"Me too." Rom adds.

Before I can offer them some, Yada does. "Now you have more."

"R-really?" Rom stutters, a small blush on his cheeks. "You're so nice."

"I'd rather we all make it." Yada smiles, regaining a little of her old self back.

"Wait, if the demons are the hunters, does that mean they'll be able to track Nagisa no matter where he hides?" Kayano points down to my curse.

I groan and bury my head in Sugino's shoulder. "I'm really starting to hate this thing." I mumble.

"Hey..." Sugino steps over to Isogai. "Mind grabbing him for a sec?"

"No problem, but what for?" he asks, positioning himself so I can climb over to his back.

"Can I run back and grab something?" Sugino asks Zen as soon as I'm safely on Isogai's back.

"The challenge starts in just a few minutes," he warns.

"That's all I need." Sugino then huffs it back towards the hotel.

"Obviously it's bad, but what exactly happens if they catch us?" Stag asks, a hand on his hip.

"You get disqualified." Zen answers coolly.

Stag glares at him. "Looks like your host is just as much of an asshole as ours."

Deshi groans, looking away.

"Hey, we just have to make it to the creator so we can ask about Celia." Rom attempts to calm Stag down.

"Yeah, and Meck?" Stag challenges, making Rom back down immediately. Stag glances over at Gerit thoughtfully. "There wasn't supposed to be killing involved..."

Assassin Skills Required - Round OneWhere stories live. Discover now