12th Kill - Victims

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I sit near the shore, the water mostly still, and blow bubbles.

I should feel worse, right?

"Yo, Nagisa!"

I lift my head and notice Sugino wading towards me.

"Good job saving the guy!" He pats my shoulder and motions for me to stand up. "Ready to get out?"

"How's the search for everyone else going?" I stand, Sugino turning around so I can hop onto his back.

"Beritas found her sister, but we're still looking for Meksi and some other guy." He walks out of the water, leaving a wet trail behind us. I shiver from the temperature change. "We don't have much longer though."

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Just past 11."

I notice him heading back to the room. "Where are we going?"

Sugino's quiet a long time, thinking something over before saying it out loud. "I wanted to talk to you."

At our room, I twist the handle and push open the door for him and he sets me on the nearest bed.

"How are you?" he calmly asks.

I look away. "Not as bad as I should be, I think."

"Look, I know we're supposed to kill our teacher and all, but this is supposed to be about saving our friends. How could you kill him?" he yells. "Are you really just okay?"

Sighing, I fall back on the bed so I'm lying sideways. "I don't... know."

Sugino does the same, sighing and lying back on the bed. "Was it hard?"

"It should've been." I pause. "Who told you?"

"Zerren and Roxin. Zerren's the guy you saved." Sugino mumbles.


We stay like that a while, the atmosphere heavy around Sugino but surprisingly light around myself. I wonder again if something's wrong with me. There's a knock on the door and a nervous person peeks in.

"I-I-Is this w-where Nagisa and S-Sugino are?"

Sugino sits up. "Yeah, what's up?"

The guy steps in. "Yada told m-me to come here..."

"Sure. Pull up a bed." Sugino shrugs. I sit up and watch him take a seat.

"Thanks..." He sits right in the middle of the one next to us and hugs his knees close. Sugino and I share a look.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Damien killed my whole team." he mutters. "I'm alone now..."

"Wait, he's still alive?" Sugino leans forward.

"Not possible!" I argue, leaning in as well.

His eyes widen and he sinks further into himself. "It was earlier in the day." He averts his gaze. "Some guy named Deo saved me."

"Oh." Sugino and I say, relieved.

The guy stays completely withdrawn and all I sense from him is fear and depression. I clear out my throat and get comfortable on my stomach, leaning up with my crossed arms.

"What's your name?"

He slowly looks over, hesitating before answering. "Xacks."

"Yeah? What's your rank?" Sugino asks. "And if you're worried about it being really low, I'm like in the forties last I checked." Sugino laughs off.

Assassin Skills Required - Round OneWhere stories live. Discover now