17th Kill - Sacrifice

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"No way she's throwing the match!" Isogai yells. "How could you even ask that?"

"What, so he should?" Stag argues. "There's six of you and only three of us. We have shit we're fighting for too!"

"You know what, asshole?" Nakamura walks up to Stag who blocks with his injured wrist, regretting it right after. "Maybe you should throw your match."

"No, it's fine. I'll do it." Deshi responds calmly.

"What?? No!" Stag turns to him. "You're the only one I can count on."

"Thanks." Rom mutters.

"You're 17, he's 7." Stag explains quickly.

"And Kayano's 6." Deshi spins around, facing him. "And it's my choice."

"You don't have to." Kayano gently touches Deshi's arm.

"You two should proceed to the fighting ring." Zen warns.

Deshi stands taller. "If you can find a way to save everyone, you'll save me too, right?"

Stag sighs in frustration, looking away.

"Are you sure?" Kayano asks sadly.

"Come on." Deshi grabs her hand, leading her to the center of the ring. Ren stands nearby and puts a hand in the air.

"Ready?" he asks.

Deshi nods right away, Kayano hesitating. Ren raises an eyebrow and she finally nods.

"Alright. Fight!" Ren slices his hand through the air, backing out of the ring.

Deshi proceeds to take off his pouch, handing it to Kayano, then unstraps his knife, giving her that too.

"Isn't there some other way to solve this?" Kayano begs.

Deshi then pulls out his red tracker gem, glancing back over at Stag. "Any of us may have to fight each other, so I'm betting on us winning as a whole." He raises his arm, tracker gem in hand. "So bring me back, kay?" he mutters nervously, hesitating only a second before smashing the gem on the ground.

"Deshi!" A few people shout.

Out of the gem, a tracker like mine comes out, quickly absorbing him. I hold my breath as I watch what my curse may do to me at any point. It takes over his body bit by bit, similar to the dark sea when our classmates were taken over. Deshi wraps his arms around himself, closing his eyes just before the small black mark completely consumes him. Ren motions Kayano to the side as Deshi disappears. There's a scream from inside the darkness and the floor opens up, stealing him away before we can see anything else.

Stag clenches his fists beside me, ignoring the pain that I'm certain is coming from his broken wrist.

"Kaede wins." Ren says with lackluster.

The reels above start to spin again as Kayano makes her way back over.

"He made that decision so quickly..." she mumbles.

"Hey, it'll be okay. If anything, it means we're all in this together, right?" Isogai attempts to comfort her.

"We have to save all of them somehow." I add.

"Looks like you're up." Sugino points to the hologram.

"Nagisa vs" it reads.

The reel stops on Beritas. I look over at one of the ladies that had taken too many coins after the loners vs groups challenge. Her eyes burn with bloodlust.

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