7th Kill - Eight

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The five of us stumble through puzzle after puzzle with the demons right behind us. Isogai's carrying me again, but I know he's really tired.

Please be the last puzzle.

Before us are four platforms. Nakamura walks up to them, testing one out by stepping on it warily. A bead of sweat goes down the side of her serious face. It's mostly because of her that we've made it this far, despite us working as a team.

"So what are you thinking?" Sugino breathlessly walks up to her.

She fully stands on the platform and glances at the door to the next area. "We test out these pressure plates and see what happens."

We hear a distant crash, the sound of the demons breaking down one of the five walls between us.

"I imagine we don't have long, so let's make this quick!" Nakamura warns.

We each take up one of the platforms, Isogai and I sharing one of course. Sugino's the last one to step onto his and the door raises in front of us. Isogai steps forward to head for the door.

"Wait!" Nakamura watches the door closely. "There's no way it's this easy. Hayami, head for the door, but don't walk through it."

Hayami nods, making a run for the door. The second her foot leaves the platform, the door starts to close. It's slow enough that she could make it walking though. Next, Nakamura steps off, heading towards the door. It continues its slow pace to the ground.


Without explanation, Sugino follows suit. The door still closes slowly.

"Isogai!" Nakamura calls out.

The second Isogai and I step off the platform, the door slams shut in milliseconds. A short silence ensues afterwards.

"Does that mean one of us needs to stay behind?" Sugino asks.

Nakamura continues to think about this.

"No way we're leaving anyone behind." Isogai responds.

Nakamura makes a circle in the air with her hand. "Again."

They all stand on a platform, opening the door once more. Everyone turns to Nakamura, awaiting instructions. She finally gets an idea, pulling out her knife.

"Sugino, with me." she commands.

The two head for the door which starts to close again. Using their knives, they attempt to rig the door so it stops closing. There's another distant crash behind us.

Three walls left.

They try to prop the door open using their hooks this time, careful to stay on this side of the door. Satisfied, Nakamura lets the hooks go and holds her hands up to the door.

"Hayami! Isogai!"

The two of them step off the platform and the hooks budge, catching again near the bottom. Isogai steps back onto the platform.

"Any ideas?" he asks me.

I shake my head at a loss. "Mm-mm."

"One more time!" Nakamura jogs back to the pressure plate and we all make the door open again.

"What if we try two?" Hayami offers.

"That was my next one. Care to join me?" Nakamura returns with a smirk.

The two of them dash over to the door, quickly jamming two hooks into each side to make it stay open. There's another crash.


Assassin Skills Required - Round OneWhere stories live. Discover now