Chapter 1

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chapter 1

Sophie's POV

"This is your 7 am wake up call, Miss Sophie Dwyer. I repeat this is your 7 a-"

"Shut the fuck up, Carl. I heard you the first time." I said groggily, as I woke up, pushing Carl off of me.

I stood up and wiped the sleep out of my eyes as Carl packed his bag. At 18, he didn't have to go to 'school' but I still had to for a year... or at least while I was still 17.
Total bullshit, I know.

"Can you chuck me a towel? I'm gonna go take a shower." I called over to Carl. Without saying anything, he chucked me a grey towel, still warm off of the radiator.

I got up and grabbed some clean clothes out of the drawer next to me and jumped over the counter. I moved the curtain out the way and began walking to the showers.

"Hey, Soph. You going to the bookstore today?" Mary called as she walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped round her hair.

"Got no choice." I said and shrugged my shoulders. "See you then, Mary!" I smiled and went into the showers.

After having a shower, I got dressed and picked up my towel before heading back to Carl and I's store.

"Are you still here?" I laughed when I saw Carl fiddling with his backpack.

"Babe, have you seen my straightback? Can't find it anywhere." He said, settling his hat.

"Uhh...I borrowed it last night. Lemme see." I said, Pretending to look around. Thing is, I borrowed it the night before to go outside into the woods...but I fell asleep, so that didn't happen.

"I don't care where it is." He began, before wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.
"I just wanna know why you took it." He said, before smacking my bum and pulling his knife out of my holster.

"Damn it. I wanted to go outside today." I said when he found the knife.

"Well...I'm sorry, baby. Looks like you've got studying to do." He said. I sighed. "Soph, it's not that bad. Look. In less than a year, you can spend as much time with me as you want, checking the gates and all that."
He smiled a little.

"I gotta go. Michael will get pissed if I'm too late."
He started walking out, but I stopped him.
"I think you're forgetting something, Grimes." I said with a know-it-all smile.

Carl looked at me confused for a second, then checked his holster. I pushed his head up by his chin and went up on my toes to kiss his lips.

"You smell nice." i said, rubbing my face in his neck. He laughed.
"I told you duty free was useful."
He held his hands on my shoulders and put our foreheads together.

"I'll take you out there tonight. Love you." He said before walking out.

I had half an hour to get breakfast, run an errand and get to the book store (school).

So let me explain. When we first got here, we decided to let people join our mini community. We currently have over one hundred people living here at the airport, and a lot of them are kids and teenagers.

There are three 'classes'. The youngest- for the 4-8 year olds, the middle- the 9-13 year olds and then the eldest- the 14-17 year olds. There's a playgroup too for the under fours, but some parents want to stay with their kids.

It was decided that we start a school system to keep us 'occupied ' during the day...which was pathetic because I knew I would be much better occupied outside, doing what I do best- surviving.

I walked out of our store with my backpack and towards the main cafeteria. There was cereal and oat bar thingys. I didn't have much time, so I picked up a Oat bar and left.

Next task: find Glenn and Maggie to give Alex's book back.

I started making my way to Glenn and Maggie's store which was a floor above ours. I knocked on the glass doors covered by a curtain and soon, Glenn pushed the curtain out of the way to see who was there. He saw me and smiled with a mouth full of cereal.

He opened the door and I walked inside. "Morning, everyone." I said with a friendly wave. "Uh...last night, Alex left his book at my place. I'm just bringing it back." I said, getting it out of my bag.

Alex toddled up behind Glenn and held onto his leg. I knelt down and smiled. "Here, AC. Why don't you ask mummy to read it to you." I said, handing him the book. He smiled and turned around. At 18 months old, he couldn't say much, but he was walking and gurgling a lot.

Maggie got up from where she was sitting and walked over with one hand on her baby bump. Glenn wrapped his arms around her waist, putting his hands on the 6-month bump and she smiled.

"Soph, do you mind picking Alex up from playgroup after school?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah, sure. Well I've got to go to the book store now." I sighed.

"You're lucky they don't give you homework, Soph. Then you'd be complaining." Glenn said, picking up Alex.

"Do you mind?" He said as AC began poking Glenn's face and pulling his hair.

I laughed and said bye.


Okay. I guess it's not that bad. Four hours of sitting, reading and solving maths problems. Plus, because we are the eldest, Rick let's us study weapons and how to use them in emergencies.

That's cool, because, I'm not gonna lie, I'm the best in the class as that. Maths... maybe not. But I've always been good at reading.

I walked into the book store and put my bag down.

"Hey!" Mary said, scooting next to me. Mary is my best friend. Ever since we came to the airport, we've been speaking the most and both being teenage girls, we can relate to eachother.

"Wassup." I said high fiving her. That's our thing. High fiving.

"Did you get out last night?" she said, leaning on my shoulder.
"Nope I fell asleep. But Carl had all my weapons in his bag because I had to use mine for other stuff. I borrowed his knife but he caught me with it in my holster." I explained and she nodded.

"That sucks." she said. I laughed.

"Yeah, it does. I told him I want to go out. Even if it's just ten minutes, and he said he'll take me tonight."

"Awhhh. That's cute." She was about to start another sentence but her mum, Kate, also our 'teacher' walked in.

"Okay, guys. How are we all?" She said informally. "Well today, we're going to recap Pythagoras' theorem and then group reading. Okay?" We all nodded and then the class began.

I guess the good thing about having the school is that it takes your mind off of what's going on outside.


Hey, guys!
I know i said i won't be updating for a while, but I had this chapter ready so thought i might as well.

It's a little slow moving to start, but it's just re-introducing you to everyone.

Don't worry! Shit happens, soon.

Thanks guys!!

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