Only if you knew (3)

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It's been a few days since you overheard Yelena and Wanda 's conversation and you still don't know how you feel about the blonde spy. An accident on a mission may help you figuring it out.

" Wanda, faster ! " You screamed, looking at the black vehicle following you in the rearview mirror. " They're getting closer ! You need to get us out of here ! "

" I'm trying ! " The redhead yelled back.
" But I'm already at full speed. Someone needs to try shooting at their car. "

" I got this ! " Yelena volunteered before you could say anything. " Just try keeping us on the road. "

Wanda nodded and your partner opened her window, shooting at the car behind you.

Being the amazing shooter she was, Yelena managed to kill the driver and the passenger in a matter of minutes. Not before they had time to burst one of your own vehicle's tyres though.

" Wanda ! " You screamed again ! " Pull over, we're gonna get out of the road !"

The redhead tried stopping the car but you were going way too fast for this.

With a burst tyre, the vehicle was completely off balanced and started getting dangerously close to the side of the bridge you were driving on.

" Everyone, jump ! I can't regain control of the car ! "

You unbuckled your seatbelt, Wanda doing the same on your left and turned around to check on Yelena.

That's when you noticed that something was very wrong. The blonde had probably hit her head when the car had been fired and wasn't moving.

" Yelena ! Yelena open your eyes ! " She remained unresponsive, blood dripping from a cut on her forehead. " Yelena !!!! "

The car tumbled into the water, you and Wanda jumping on the road just in time (Yeah I know that jumping off a car driving really fast can kill you but wtv ) while Yelena was still strapped in her sit.

You watched the vehicle falling, your heart going down with it.

" Y/n, I'm sorry. " Wanda rubbed your back. " I know how important she was for you. "

" Don't talk about her using the past, this is absolutely not over ! "

She looked at you with a confused face and before she had time to say anything, you jumped from the bridge.

Wanda screamed something to you as you hit the  water but you didn't even try to understand it. It was too late to make another decision anyway, you would save Yelena or die trying.

It was the middle of summer and hopefully the river wasn't too cold but the fall had knocked the wind out of you.

You were struggling to breath but still dived in the moody water, desperatly trying to find the car.

You coudn't see anything, the river slowly filling your lungs when you finally felt something hard against your hands. You knew you needed to go up to find some air but there was no time, Yelena was drowning and woudn't survive much longer.

You spotted a broken window and entered the car, ignoring your burning lungs. Your partner was  still unconscious on her sit, either knocked out from her concussion or  the lack of oxygene.

You swam toward her and unbuckled the belt before heading straight toward the surface.

You didn't expect Yelena to be so heavy, or the current to be this strong. You already felt lightheaded and absolutely needed to breath.

Maybe you could drop the blonde for one second, get some air and then go back ? You considered it but deep down you knew it wasn't an option.

Yelena had been under the water for about one minute. She needed oxygen fast or else, she would die. And this wasn't happening.

You closed your eyes one second before starting swimming faster toward the sun. Yes your lungs were burning and yes your whole body was screaming in pain but saving Yelena was more important than this. Saving her was more important than anything .

You miraculously managed to reach the surface, spotting Wanda waiting for you on the riverside.

" Wanda ! " You called her, using the small amount of energy you had left.
" Please, help ! I can't swim anymore ! "

The redhead didn't reply anything, which made you think that she was too far to hear you. But soon, your body left the water and levitated toward the shore.

You held Yelena close, making sure that she wasn't going to fall when you noticed that something was wrong with her. Her chest wasn't raising and falling, she wasn't breathing . She. wasn't . Breathing .

" Shit, Yelena ! " You tried shaking her but obviously nothing happened . " Shit, shit, shit ! "

Wanda got the both of you back to the solid ground and you immediately laid your partner on the grass.

" She isn't breathing, I..." You looked at Wanda desperately, your voice breaking despise yourself. " I don't know what to do ! "

" She needs CPR. " the redhead gently shoved you away from Yelena and started compressing her chest . " Come on blondie, don't die on us ! "

The russian remained still as Wanda kept on performing CPR  on her. Her body didn't seem to react to whatever the redhead was doing and it was terrifying.

" Yelena, please open your eyes. " You begged, tears streaming down your face. " Please, partners do not leave each other ! "

Nothing happened and you started sobbing even harder. You hadn't even noticed you were crying at first but you really were. And it probably woudn't ever stop if Yelena didn't make it.

You had never realized that you couldn't imagine a future without her before this moment.

How stupid was it to understand you were in love with someone when they were literally dying in front of you ?

Wanda could have totally prevented the car from falling but I needed it to fall so...

Starlight (Yelena Belova and Kate Bishop one shots)Where stories live. Discover now