Help me (2)

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" Y/n, I know you're in here." Your dad screamed through the door, making you shiver. " Come out if you don't want things to get bad for your disgusting girlfriend. "

You started walking toward the door but Yelena grabbed your arm.

" Get behind me." She ordered you. " And don't even think of going outside. I can handle this motherfucker. "

" Yelena ! " You looked at her in chock. " He's still my father ! "

" Yeah and he's also planning on killing us."

You couldn't argue against that so you just kept your mouth shut, waiting for the fight to begin.

The bangs on the door got louder and louder until a huge crack was heard.

Pieces of wood flew into the air and my dad appeared in the door frame, a crazy look on his face.

He started coming closer to you and Yelena stepped in front of you, shielding you with her body.

" If I were you I would back
off " She growled protectively.
" I do not want to hurt you but I will if you lay one finger on her. "

" How cute is this. " My father snickered. " A dyke defending her girlfriend except my daughter is not your girlfriend. You tricked her into thinking she belonged to your disgusting specie but she doesn't. Y/n, tell her. Tell her that you're not like her."

Yelena stared at you with an anxious face, as if she was expecting you to betray her again. Not that you could blame her, you had already done it once after all.

You squeezed her hand and took a deep breath before taking a step forward. You had never thought you would ever do this but it was time.

You were tired of hiding, tired of lying. You had almost lost the best thing that had ever happened to you because you were scared. You woudn't make this mistake again.

" I'm in love with her dad. " You finally told him, looking at him straight in the eyes. " I'm sorry if you're disappointed in me but there's nothing you can do to change this. I was born this way, accept it or stop seeing me. "

Your father blinked, unable to process the information. Then his face shifted to the angriest expression you had ever seen on him.

" You little..." He was so red you almost thought his head was going to blow up. " After everything I've done for you ! How could you do this to me ! "

He took a step toward you and Yelena put herself in front of you again.

" I already told you to back off. " She threatened him. " You don't wanna know what I'm capable of so just walk out of here and I promise I won't break every single bones in your body. "

" How old are you ? 18 ? " Your father laughed at her again.
" You're the one who should be scared of me kiddo. Now let me see my daughter before you get hurt. "

" Your not Y/n's father anymore. " Your girlfriend wrapped a protective arm around you " You lost that title the moment you laid your hand on her. What kind of father would beat up his own child ? "

" It's called education. " He roughly pushed her out of the way.
" Come on Y/n, let's go home so that I can keep on educating you. "

Your father grabbed your arm and started dragging you out of the room.

" You just made the biggest mistake of your life. " Yelena appeared behind him with her I'm-going-to-make-you-suffer face. " Don't say I didn't warn you. "

She jumped on your father which caused him to let go of you.

" Y/n, get away from here ! " Your girlfriend ordered you. " I will take care of him. "

" Please Yelena, he's still my father ! " You begged her, tears rolling on your face. " I don't want him to die because of me ! "

The blonde glared at you with an astonished face. She was only distracted for one second but it was enough for your father to kick her in the face.

Yelena groaned in pain and let go of the man, her nose obviously broken.

A devilish smile appeared on his face as he grabbed you by the neck to pin you again the wall.

" I thought we could do this at home but it will definetly be funnier with your girlfriend watching us ! " He slammed your head against against the wall, making you feel dizzy. " She needs to see what will happen to you because of her ! "

He slammed your head again, and again and again and again until Yelena grabbed him from behind with a war cry.

You fell on the floor, your vision swimming. You could still hear your father and girlfriend fighting behind you but they seemed to drift farther and farther away every second.

Yelena screamed something at you but you were too weak to even understand her words. It's the last thing that you heard before everything turned black.

You opened your eyes, your head aching horribly. You quickly spotted Yelena who had fallen asleep holding your hand and smiled softly. You felt like shit but having your girlfriend next to you was extremely comforting.

You did not want to disturb her and tried to remain still. However,being the light sleeper she was, the blonde jerked awake the moment your breathing pattern changed.

" Hi Моя любовь." Yelena grinned sleepily. " I'm so glad you're awake ! How are you feeling ? "

" Like I've been hit by a bus." You tried to smile but groaned in pain instead. " What happened exactly ? "

" Well I got stupidly distracted and your father busted my nose." She pointed at her face with a wince. " While I was on the floor he hit you multiple times and you lost consciousness. "

The blonde cleared her throat, obviously very upset.

" I managed to grab him and then proceeded to break some of his bones."

" Wait, did you..." You hesitated . " Did you kill him ?"

" I broke every bones that were not directly necessary for his survival but I did not kill him."
She shrugged. " Not that I didn't want to but it wasn't my decision to make, was it ? "

You nodded, somehow relieved despise the way your father had treated you.

" Thank you. Where is he now ? And where I am ? "

" Natasha took the jet to drop him at a hospital on another continent." Yelena couldn't help but smile. " And you're in the avenger's compound medbay. Since you were not waking up I thought it would be better to get your head checked. Turned out you had a concussion. "

" Okay..." You felt your eyelids growing heavier. " My mum ? "

" She called you but only wanted to know where your father was. " Yelena bit her lip. " She also said she never wanted to see you again so I told her to fuck off. I'm really sorry..."

You didn't reply anything but a few tears escaped your eyes. You coudln't say you were surprised but that didn't mean it wasn't painful.

Both of your parents abandoning you the same day, your father trying to kill you and your mother taking his side.

" Can you... Can you hold me please ? " You asked your girlfriend, trying to prevent your voice from shaking. " I don't know if I can do this without you..."

" You won't have too." Yelena laid down next to you and held you tigh. " I promise I'm here for you, always."

You closed your eyes, feeling safe and protected in your girlfriend's arms and let sleep wash over you.

Later that night, you woke up and felt Yelena's steady breath against your neck.

She was still by your side, like she had told you she would be.
You're parents were not in your life anymore but Yelena was there and you knew everything would be alright.

Starlight (Yelena Belova and Kate Bishop one shots)Where stories live. Discover now