Author's Note

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Hello dear readers,

So... I have some exciting news.

Lannister Blood is OFFICIALLY getting a book 2!

I've thought a lot about this ever since I ended this story at the beginning of the year. I've gone back and forth whether to just add a bonus chapter or even some exclusive scenes that didn't make it into this book. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized these characters' stories aren't over. I even started a few other fanfics but my heart just kept going back to this one. I really wanted to work on another book and I've finally made my decision. A second book is definitely happening! I hope you all are as excited to dive back into this story as I am. 

A few mini spoilers for the second book: We will once again mainly be in the POV of Lysandra, BUT we will also get to see the stories of other characters as well in a little more depth than we did in the first story. The main plot of book 2 will take place not long after the epilogue of the first book. Also, this will be the second and FINAL book in the series, and it will be about the same in length as book 1. 

I can't wait to go adventuring with you all again!

"Lannister Blood: The Shadow Lands" will launch Wednesday, January 5th, 2022.

- Tilly

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