33 - Lannister Blood

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The Final Battle

Lysandra's POV

         The mass of soldiers alike turn into a blur before my eyes. My new sword forged personally for me is safe at my hip, not yet drawn but ready. Rhaegal lies in a bloody mess far down below on the ice, like a horrific painting for the world of fire and ice to look upon. I can't see Daenerys but I know how she must feel... like a piece of her heart has been violently ripped from her broken body. The sight of the dead dragon affects me more than I expect. The sight of a beautiful creature slain out of hatred... it's unsettling.

         I rip my eyes away from the scene and start down the stairs, following Jon before giving him a final nod and disappearing into the shadows of the Wall. I can sense the Night King approaching. I can hear his army screeching up into the sky as they collide against the Wall itself and whatever traps lay before it. All this and I continue to move away from the fight, through the small pathways and every nook and cranny I've spied since my arrival. I know what's waiting me beyond the Wall. What I don't expect is to practically collide into Robb on my way there.

         He looks at me with that wild look in his eye. A look he only gets when war lies close beyond his reach. It takes a moment for him to register who I am. When he does, he grabs me tightly, glancing at the direction I'm headed in.


         "Let me go, Robb."

         "You're planning something."

         "I don't have time for this."

         "Time for what?" he shouts over the chaos.

         "You lost the right to ask me anything a long time ago," I snarl. "Now, let. Me. Go."

         He's taken aback by my hostile manner, but I know it's the only way he'll let me go. He backs away. He suppresses the hurt look in his eyes and the Robb Stark who won so many battles against the Lannister army takes over. His jaw sets and he looks at me with a fierceness in his eyes only a wolf can have. Within barely a second, he's near me again and roughly presses his lips to my own. It's short, but a fire shoots throughout my veins. He breaks away, retracting his hand from my waist and stepping back again.

         "I love you," he says. And it's not soft or cautious.

         It's said with the powerful voice of a soldier.

         Of a king.

         He's gone before I even have time to catch my breath. I walk backwards for a moment, staring at the path he disappeared down.

         "I love you, too," I whisper to the darkness. "Always."

Beyond the Wall – 3rd Person POV

         The dawn breaks through like shattered glass and the army of the Night King is already upon the living. Drogon flies overhead with Daenerys on his back, burning everything in sight and veering away from whatever weapons fly toward him. But the fire proves to be a foe within itself, melting the ice beneath not only foes but also allies. The Wall is still heavily armed, with Jaime Lannister, and a silent Brienne at his side, leading his men with a force he's never shown before this dreadful morning. Robb leads more of his men beyond the Wall to attack the wights and White Walkers head on, with Jon close at his side. Jon keeps Nightslayer close to his chest, and the Night King knows exactly who has the formidable weapon. The ice demon himself is visible to Jon, but swarmed with the protection of his own ravenous army.

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