35 - Epilogue

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White Harbor

"You'll take an eye out if you hold your sword like that, Brannelle. Keep a better grip on your hilt... Now deflect... wonderful! There you go."

"My deflecting would be exceptional if you kept your words to yourself, Uncle Jaime."

My brother raises an eyebrow at the young girl before looking at me.

"She gets her sharp tongue from you, you know," he says.

I laugh, folding the map in my hands and shrugging.

"I don't know what you're referring to, brother."

The two have been training like this since dawn, and each day Brannelle gets even more masterful with a sword, even at such a young age. I believe it's helped Jaime as well, as he's a far better fighter with his one hand now. Though, he'll never be at his best, which is something he'll have to live with until the end of his days. But he knows things could be far worse.

"Alright," Jaime says, clashing his sword with Brannelle's once more. "Go find Arya, she's around here somewhere. A fresh victim for you."

"Oh, you've given up?" Brannelle teases, swinging her blonde braid over her shoulder and grinning.

He narrows his eyes playfully and levels his sword at her.

"Out of my sight now," he growls. "or feel my wrath."

She laughs and begins to run off the docked ship.

"Don't stray too far," I call after her. She waves her hand in response before disappearing into a nearby crowd.

"She'll be alright," Jaime says, coming to stand next to me. "Arya never lets that girl out of her sight, even if Arya herself is nowhere to be seen."

"I suppose you're right."

"I believe you worry too much, sister."

I give him a look. "And how could I not? With the lands we've visited, every one of them has some kind of foreign magic deep within the roots, magic she and I feel a pull to. Who's to say it won't find its way to Westeros one day? You and I know too well the detriment of magic and dark beings."

"Yes, yes." He waves it off. "But that worry line between your brows is going to leave a scar."

He pokes at the space and I roll my eyes, pushing his hand away. He grins and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Lysandra, the people of those lands have been amiable. There hasn't been a true threat to Westeros in years. We're all doing our part; training new soldiers, discovering new worlds across the seas, keeping Westeros safe and aware of what lies beyond. You're the one that came up with the band of people that assist our cause, the Seekers of the Unknown, remember? We've got quite a crew I must say."

I smile and shake my head. The Seekers of the Unknown is a group that has been in play since nearly a year into Arya and I's expedition. It was something I had mentioned to Robb when we finally returned to King's Landing to deliver a report of our discoveries. He was all too willing to assist in assembling the idea officially, and imagine my surprise when my brother Jaime was our first volunteer. He claims it's something that has come to interest him, the travelling and discovery, but I believe it's always been about Brannelle. Despite the danger, I took Brannelle on the journey not long after meeting her. She's been a bright young girl from the start, wise beyond her years. She shares a connection to the Sight that neither of us quite understand, and probably never will. But there is always this feeling that hangs over the two of us, like there's something waiting for us beyond our understanding. Whether it's good or bad, I'm not sure, but I'd rather avoid the thought entirely.

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