28 - One Final Enemy

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I hear Jaime and Tyrion arguing with the Hound in a room in the far corner; mainly confusion rather than anger. I can hear Leander's firm voice trying to settle everyone down.

I slowly make my way into the room, careful not to alarm my brothers more than they will be. Tyrion sees me first, and at the bewilderment on his face, Jaime and Leander turn from the Hound and towards me.

No one moves. Their eyes are wide with a mixture of fear and disbelief. But there's something else in their gaze.

Overwhelming relief.

Jaime takes the first step towards me, hesitant that in his movement I'll disappear. The ash still rests on my skin. My spilled blood has been cleaned but the wounds remain, present but healed. Dried blood undoubtedly rests against the roots of my blonde hair. I must look like an ashen ghost. A lost soul of the living.

He slowly moves towards me, drinking in my appearance with his eyes.

"The Lord of Light," I start, but I'm unable to find what I want to say. "I'm... okay."

Jaime gently takes my face in his hands, stroking my cheeks with his thumbs. Tears form in his eyes as he studies my features.

"You're alive," he whispers, more of a question than a statement.

"I'm alive."

He fights back the emotion, willing himself to speak.

"You're here."

"I'm here," I say.

Silent tears fall freely as Jaime pulls me into his strong embrace. I want to cry but I just feel numb. I hold him close to me for as long as the two of us need. Finally, Jaime clears his throat and steps away, his hands lingering on my arms a bit before letting go entirely. Tyrion is by my side in an instant, tears welling in his eyes; he stumbles a little in his drunken stupor and I kneel down so he can throw his arms around me.

"Tell me this isn't the wine," he says, choking on his words.

A smile into his shoulder.

"It's not the wine," I whisper. "I promise."

I lock eyes with Leander who looks as if he's seeing a hallucination. Jaime puts a steady hand on his shoulder and gives it a squeeze. When Tyrion releases me, I walk over to Leander and take his hands.

"I know this is hard to believe," I say, looking at each of them. "And I promise I'll explain everything."

Leander shakes his head in disbelief and pulls me close.

"All that matters... is that you're here," he says.

"I'm so glad you're all okay," I say when he takes a step back. "I don't know what I would do if..."

I trail off, realizing what my death must have put them all through.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," I say. "I saw... flashes of what happened after I... I'm just so sorry."

"No," Jaime says with a shake of his head. "Don't apologize."

"Absolutely not," Tyrion agrees. "And your son is right. What matters is that you're alright. You're here with us. Now, you need to go clean up and then we'll get some wine in you. And I won't accept 'no' as an answer."

I smile and nod.

"Okay," I say. "But please... don't say anything about this until I get back. I don't want to ambush everyone."

"Of course," Leander says.

Jaime nods, then the two of us look at Tyrion.

"What?" he says. Then he sighs. "Do you two have so little faith in my ability to keep a secret?"

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