1 - The Return

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I should be filled with joy to return to my home. I should be smiling with relief as I stare at the Red Keep in the distance. King's Landing was my home for a majority of my life. It wasn't perfect. My family... is complicated to say the least. But here I am, returned within two years time after being sold to House Frey by my father. I would've died there had the deal between our family and the Freys not gone awry. That, or I would've slaughtered them all. But that didn't mean I was happy to return to the people who didn't think twice about sending me off in the first place. I'm not the same person anymore. I won't put on a show. The Lannister name means nothing to me. Not anymore.

And there they stood to greet me at the docks. King Joffrey Baratheon, his betrothed Margaery Tyrell, my sister Cersei, and my brother Jaime. Joffrey's protectors stood a few feet behind, ready to carry out any orders within seconds. The men escorting me help me off the boat and I walk the rest of the way unaccompanied. I curtsy when I'm close enough for greeting.

"Your Grace," I say as politely as I can muster. The words taste like vinegar.

"Aunt Lysandra," Joffrey's cocky smile is unsettling. "It's been a long time."

Margaery hugs me without warning. "You must be ever so grateful to be home, my Lady."

"Yes," I say, briefly making eye contact with my siblings. "Very. Lovely to see you."

When she releases me, I nod to Cersei and Jaime.

"Time has treated both of you kindly," I say.

"You look no different from when you left," Cersei says curtly, though she masks it as a compliment.

"You look beautiful," Jaime says, receiving a grimace from Cersei.

I look back to the sea.

"Where's Tyrion?" I ask no one in particular.

"Who cares?" Joffrey spits.

I begin to walk past them. "And father?"

"Occupied," Cersei replies. I can hear the smugness in her voice.

"Ah, yes," I attempt to hide my sarcasm. "He's a very important man. Thank you for gracing my homecoming, Your Grace. I shall treasure it always."

Joffrey looks pleased. "Well, you are family."

"Yes," I nod. "Family is the most important thing. May I bring myself to rest? I'm very tired from the journey."

"Fine," He waves me off. "We celebrate tonight. Though, I'm sure most of the people don't remember you. No one important anyway. I'm sure they'll remember what they used to call you before your departure. What was the name again?"

I clench my jaw. Cersei smiles. Jaime averts his eyes.

"The Whore, Your Grace," I say.

He smiles. "Yes. That's the one."

"My love," Margaery says. "Lady Lysandra needs her rest. Would you care to join me in the gardens? I long to hear the stories of your bravery once again."

I narrow my eyes. Joffrey is so taken by the invitation that he doesn't notice. Perhaps my nephew has truly met his match.

He offers his arm to her. "Yes, yes."

She smiles at me and the two walk off without another word. Cersei pulls at Jaime's arm but he shrugs her off. He reaches out to me, carefully enveloping me in an embrace. I lightly touch his back, not wanting to hold him for longer than I have to.

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