20 - Wolves, Lions, & Dragons

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How Fidelis managed to find and wait for me at White Harbor is beyond me. The last I saw of my horse was at the Wall. Nevertheless, there he was upon our arrival, waiting with the strong intention of bringing me back to Winterfell. Even Jon was baffled by the sight, saying I have a loyal friend in the North. I greeted him with an apple from the South, as promised if we were ever to reunite again. He was more than willing to accept my offer.

            We ride with Winterfell in sight among our new and old allies. The closer we get to the castle, the more nervous I become. I'm not sure why, and I chalk it up to being afraid of not being accepted by the people once again, but I know the true reason for my hesitation.

            The Young Wolf.

            It feels like a lifetime ago that we sailed from Braavos to Westeros. Like a lifetime ago that I left my name behind and trained with the Faceless Men.

            I try to shake myself out of it. There's no need to be nervous. Robb is fine, I can feel that even without the Sight. His family is safe, his people are safe. Everyone is safe... at least, for now.

            I can feel and see the contempt in the eyes of the people, especially towards Daenerys and her followers. I can't say I blame them. Had I not had the same suspicions when I first learned of her? Even when I first met her? But in time they will see that she means no harm. And yet the warning in my heart tells me to be cautious around her. So easily can Targaryens turn to madness and violence.


            I turn to see Gendry not far behind me. I wait for him to continue.

            "I never got a chance to apologize to you," he says.

            I shake my head. "There's no need."

            "Please," he says with resoluteness. "I may not have been there to see what you did for the others, but their recounts are enough. I'm sorry for the way I treated you."

            I notice the Hound listening even though he pretends that he isn't, keeping his ear slightly inclined in our direction. I smile at Gendry.

            "Your apology is accepted, Gendry," I say. "Though, not necessary. It is not easy to place trust in others, especially during these times."

            "Well, I won't be making that mistake again."

            We exchange respectful nods as the journey continues. The Hound leans towards me.

            "You should have made him beg for forgiveness," he grumbles.

            "You're the one who said I should've stayed at the Wall," I remind him, raising an eyebrow. "Perhaps you're the one who should be begging for forgiveness."

            He scoffs, but a slow smile creeps across his face.

            The gates of Winterfell lie open in wait for us. We pass under the arch and into the city itself. I notice a small, young woman adorned in Winterfell clothing, but not a dress like that which is common, watching all the faces that pass by her. I feel the familiarity, not just because she is Arya Stark but also because of her connection to Braavos and the Faceless Men. It's like a whispering that comes to me as swiftly and softly as the wind.

            She notices me staring and her fierce glare turns into one of curiosity, as if she already knows who I am. I nod at her, not knowing what else to do, but she just continues to stare with that same look on her face.

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