13 - Night Sky

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That night, I toss and turn in my bed on the lower deck. I was warned my dreams would be more restless when I left the temple. I'd be free of the tranquility the atmosphere had to offer. I hoped the waves would soothe me but I've had no such luck. I see flashes of the Red Wedding behind my closed eyelids. I see Tyrion murdering our father with a crossbow. I see Oberyn Martell's head being crushed by the Mountain. I see Joffrey choking, his face turning a ghastly purple. I see the men who violated me forcing me to keep quiet. I see Walder Frey laughing as his sons beat me during my time at the Twins. I see Jallen's corpse as I hide his body from prying eyes.

            I sit up quickly, cradling my head in my hands. I was able to keep my mind clear at the temple, when I was so focused on becoming 'no one'. When I was focused on becoming anyone but Lysandra Lannister. The memory reminds me of the other satchel I brought with me. The satchel I keep well hidden away from my other belongings. Rewan's last parting gift; a group of faces. Faces of the undead.

            The last part of my training was focused on being able to become 'anyone'. To wear the faces of others; to acquire their voice, their mannerisms. A mixture of strange magic and unnatural skill I'll never be able to understand. But this is who I am now. I am a part of the Guild of the Faceless Men, however disjointed from the cause I may be. I promised myself I wouldn't use the faces unless I absolutely had to.

            I let my eyes adjust to the darkness and listen to the sounds of the few crew members taking their turn of sleep on the deck above. I hear the sloshing of the water against the ship and steady myself against the rocking as I stand. I grab the blanket from my bed and wrap it around my nightwear. Perhaps some fresh air will ease my thoughts. I step out of my small room and carefully make my way past the others. No sense in waking anyone if I don't have to.

            I make my way up the steps and nod to the few crew members that are still up, guiding the ship under the stars. It's colder than I anticipated, but the heavy blanket keeps the chill from my bones. After the nightmares I've had this night, the cold wind feels welcomed upon my face. The ship creaks from the shifting of the waves beneath it, bringing a sense of calm over me. Perhaps it would be easier to sleep up here the next night. I feel so alone in my room despite the small size.

            I see a dark silhouette standing on the quarterdeck, opposite of the stern. At first, I think it's a crew member taking a break to admire the view, but then I see the large figure sitting beside him. Grey Wind. I have half a mind to go below deck once again and leave him to his thoughts, but the thought of being alone again so soon makes me shiver. Instead, I decide to move to the opposite side of the ship.

            Then, as if someone tapped him on the shoulder, Robb turns slightly in my direction, then fully when he spots me. He holds a few fingers up in greeting and I nod sheepishly, as though I've been caught staring. He motions for me to join him before turning back to the sea.

            "Couldn't sleep either?" he asks when I approach.

            I shake my head.


            I nod.

            "Myself as well."

            I lean my torso against the railing, holding my blanket in place.

            "Not a lover of the cold?" he muses.

            "I've been in summer most of my life," I say. "Aside from my time at the Twins, it's all I've ever known."

            I want to crush my vocal chords at my stupidity. Why must I remind him of the darkest period of his life? Why must I speak before I think better of it?

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