23 - Valar Dohaeris

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*this chapter includes Lysandra's POV as well as 3rd person encounters regarding the actions of other characters*

"He cannot stay here."

         "And what would you have me do with him?"

         "Execute him," Robb says, and it's dangerously close to an order. "Burn him alive, decapitate him, hang him in the streets, I care not. Let us be rid of him."

         Queen Daenerys settles back into her chair, eyeing the Young Wolf carefully. Then she directs herself to Ser Jorah.

         "Has anyone ingested the poison?"

         "No, Your Grace," Jorah replies. "It seems only one table was targeted, but that is not to say your life isn't in danger if you grant this man mercy."

         "Why would a Faceless Man be sent here?" Jon asks. "What business could he possibly have with this battle?"

         "He refuses to speak to anyone," says Grey Worm.

         "Then make him talk," Robb hisses.

         Grey Worm glares at him. "We've tried."

         "Try harder."

         "Enough," Daenerys says, standing. "We can't afford to give this foolishness any more thought. Not with the impending threat upon us."

         "Agreed," Jon says. "We can't afford any more targets on us. We must be done with it."

         "None of you were the target."

         One by one, the others turn to look at me. I've been standing towards the back of the room, away from prying eyes. I've felt numb ever since Rewan's appearance last night. I've barely spoken to anyone, let alone give up any information. Deep down, I know why he's here. I know what must be done... and I'm careful not to let the fear register on my face.

         I straighten my posture, levelling my gaze at Daenerys.    
         "The threat was never intended towards you, Your Grace." I keep my voice steady. "Nor was it anyone else outside of one person. The only reason the wine pitcher at the table was targeted was because I was the one who sat there."
         The others exchange glances as Daenerys waits for me to continue.
         "Rewan is not his real name," I continue. "As many Faceless Men never reveal their first true name, but it is the name I know him by. He trained me and gave me shelter during my journey to find Robb Stark. He made me what I am."
         "Then why would he try to harm you?" Ser Jorah asks.
         "I believe if he truly meant to kill me, I would not be standing here among you. Detecting poison is one of the very first practices we are taught." I look to where Tyrion and Jaime stand. "The rest at the table were merely pawns in the way."

         "What does he want with you?" asks Tyrion.

         "I'm not certain..." I pause. "But I believe he is here to dole out punishment for a crime I committed long ago."

         "And what crime would this be?" Daenerys asks.

         My eyes meet Robb's and he shakes his head, knowing the crime I'm referring to. He knows better than anyone how much it has affected me.

         "You don't have to speak of it," Robb says.

         "Actually, I'm afraid she does," the queen says firmly.

         I nod to Robb, attempting to ease his worry a bit. His icy blue eyes watch me, sorrow glimmering behind them.

         "I murdered an innocent," I say. "A man who did nothing but help me when I had no one else."

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