2 - The Forgotten Lion

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"Drink! Take a drink, right now," Tyrion shouts.

"I will not!"

"Did you, or did you not, bathe with Bronn in Blackwater Bay?"

"She did," Bronn says with a wink.

I glare at him. "You are a liar. I did not!"

Tyrion raises his hands. "Alright, alright. Keep your secrets."

"There is no-"

"You don't have to admit that you've always been infatuated with me," Bronn waves me off.

I roll my eyes. "Alright. Two can play that game." I lean forward and narrow my eyes. "You were in love with me when I left."

Tyrion's eyes widen. He looks at Bronn who has now lapsed into silence. Bronn glances at both of us before chugging from his goblet. I smirk and Tyrion scoffs in disbelief. He shoves his friend's shoulder.

"I knew it!"

"Fuck you," Bronn says. Then he points to me. "There was a time when you wanted the Hound's cock."

They both raise an eyebrow at me. I clear my throat, then reach for my goblet and take a drink. They roar with laughter.

"The Golden Heart and the Hound?" Tyrion wheezes. "Stop it! I suppose I'm an idiot for not seeing it in the first place."

"It was a long time ago. He's a friend now. Well, sort of. Was," I reason, but their laughter doesn't cease. "Oh, you two are cruel. Narrow-minded and cruel!"

"Does he know?" Tyrion asks.

I glare at him.

"Someone must send word to him. Where do you think he is now, Bronn?"

I grab the nearest knife and point it at him. "Do that and I'll slit your throat you insufferable man!"

He smiles, genuinely. "Ah, there's my lion. Hear her roar? Magnificent."

"Are you gonna tell us about your bloody time with House Frey or..." Bronn grabs the knife from me. "Do we have to cut it out of you?"

I stiffen a little. "That's not how the game is played."

"Come, now," Tyrion says. "Are you truly going to make me guess?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I say, venom slowly lacing my voice.

"You will," Bronn says, pouring me more wine. He raises his cup. "To Lady Lysandra, the annoying fuck who won't stop leaving King's Landing."

Tyrion raises as well. "To my elder sister. May she brandish her golden locks with courage and honor among these fools. And, should she find him one day, may she make passionate love to The Hound."

"To the hope that the next time I leave this place it'll be permanent," I clang my goblet against theirs and the three of us share a boisterous laugh.

"Are you completely mad?" A new voice sounds from behind me.

"Join us, brother," Tyrion beckons to Jaime.

I turn to Jaime whose eyes are narrowed at Tyrion.

"You realize she's under my guard?"

"Lannister's don't need guards," He waved him off.

"This Lannister does," Jaime says, giving me a pointed look.

I roll my eyes, turning my back to him.

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