30 - All Lions Must Fall

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The Red Keep

Jaime and Cersei stand on the balcony of the Red Keep. The sun has risen, and they both know that battle will soon be upon them. Despite Cersei's talk of defeating the foreign queen and being grateful for Jaime's loyalty, Jaime can't quite shake the growing dread and guilt in his heart. Lysandra's words continue to echo in his mind.

"It will be over soon, Jaime," Cersei says, staring out at the city. "And when it is finally over, the Lannister name will be the only thing that matters in the Seven Kingdoms."

"And what of the others?" Jaime asks.

"What others? The ones who betrayed me?" Her familiar scowl returns. "They'll crawl on their hands and knees and beg for mercy. We will show them none."

"Are you sure that's wise?" he asks, moving into her view. "The dead may rise again, Cersei. And if they do, we will be far outnumbered. If you had seen-"

"And what are we to base that on?" she scoffs. "Lysandra's word that the Night King will rise again? It's a ghost story. Our sister is weak but she's not stupid. She knows how to spin tales and make everyone fawn over her words."

Jaime's jaw sets.

"Lysandra is far from weak," he says. "And you know that. You've allowed your hatred of her to cloud your judgement. Don't you see-"

"Do not speak of my judgement," she snaps. "You've always been the stupidest Lannister, Jaime. Never able to think for yourself, never listening to father's warnings about our enemies. It's a shock you've made it this far. Showing mercy to anyone who betrays us is a sign of weakness and nothing more. The Targaryen troops will fall, just as anyone else who has proved a threat."

As much as the words hurt Jaime, there's something that sticks with him more than the others. It's the way she talks about dealing with threats and betrayal.

"What of Lysandra?" he asks, his voice growing strained.

Cersei turns her chin a bit upwards, ignoring his worried gaze. She places her hands tightly on the bannister.

"Lysandra has made her bed," she replies. "The only one at fault is herself."

"What did you do?"

"The situation is handled, Jaime." When he doesn't reply, she continues. "Surely you remember whose side you chose." She turns to him, placing a hand on his face. "I love you, Jaime. You know that. No one else matters but the two of us, you said so yourself long ago."

She kisses him, barely noticing the way he pulls away just a touch sooner than usual.

"The three of us, you mean."


"The baby," Jaime says. "Nothing matters but the three of us."

Cersei smiles, but it doesn't touch her eyes.

"Of course," she says. "The three of us."

Lysandra's POV

I don't know how long it will take for the poison to take effect, but I know I can't sit here as the battle rages on without me. I know the morning has come, though I cannot see it beyond this cell. I'm not shackled, but I also have nothing to pick the lock with. I'm stuck here, slowly growing weaker as the poison works its way through my system. A light sweat has fixed its way onto my skin which tells me I need to find a way out of here fast.

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