15 - The North Remembers

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"I'm soon headed to Winterfell as well," Lord Manderly says as he walks us to our readied horses. "Our King wants to ensure all is prepared against the threat of the Night King. We'll need every man we can get in the battle ahead. I'm sure you'll know all about it soon enough."

"Thank you, my Lord." Robb nods in respect. "I hope I can one day repay the kindness you've shown us."

"I do it for the King in the North," he replies sternly. "Rest assured I am glad you're alive, Stark. I'm glad for your brother and your sister, but I do not forget that my son was slaughtered in your name, for your foolishness."

The weariness weighs heavy in Robb's eyes as he looks at the Lord of White Harbor.

"I will never be able to express my grief enough for your loss," Robb says. "But I will do everything in my power to bring only honor and truth to the North." He glances at me. "To right my wrongs."

"If the North will even be here after the war of the undead," Manderly says gruffly.

We arrive at the gate where our horses are waiting for us, already prepared with our packs full of provisions and our weapons retained safely to their sheaths. I bow my head to Wyman.

"Thank you, Lord Manderly," I say. "We may have died if it weren't for the help of your men."

Lord Manderly nods, then looks to Robb. To both of our surprise, he sticks out his hand. Robb hesitates only a moment before taking it firmly.

"You've lost much as well," Manderly says. "I haven't forgotten. The Red Wedding has been avenged and I hope it may bring you peace. Until we meet again, farewell."


The two of us ride on the common path, shielding ourselves from the cold easily with the Northern attire provided by House Manderly. These Northerners sure are fond of blues, greys, and blacks, not that I'm complaining. The clothes suit me well. They tried to fit me with a dress, but being with the Faceless Men taught me a sense of practicality. It's time for me to leave my love of dresses behind. There will be no place for them in the battles ahead. Instead, I've been fitted with a grey feminine tunic, along with a black knee-length skirt over grey fitted trousers. My cloak is adorned in light grey fur towards the top, and the cloak itself is the darkest shade of night I've ever seen.

Robb's attire is so similar to that which he wore when I first met him, bringing back a lot of memories I hold dear. He looks like a Stark now. A Northerner returned home. He has that proud and determined look in his eye that I saw in him long ago. Being back in the North has worried him yes, but he's never looked more content.

Grey Wind trots just ahead of us, happy to be free to roam through the falling snow. He's more alive now than ever before, his eyes bright and his tongue hanging happily from his mouth. Robb watches his close friend fondly, an easy smile resting on his lips. The three of us ride for some time before dismounting and taking a moment's rest.

"I think we should keep your name as Keynna," Robb says after taking a drink of water. "I know you don't want to lie, but the North will not be kind to you. I'm afraid even if I vouch for you it won't do any good."

I smile sadly. "You know we can't do that. You know it's not fair to your siblings or the North. An alliance starts with trust. And even if I agreed with you, Sansa knows my face. She will do what is best for the people. Whatever comes next, we will have to accept the consequences."

"She doesn't know you like I know you," he says. "None of them do. If we tell them you're a Lannister, I may not be able to protect you."

"It's not your duty to protect me," I say. "I appreciate your trust, Robb. I do. But I swore an oath to bring you to Winterfell and I will uphold that oath. It doesn't matter what happens to me."

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