10 - The Lost Lannister

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Braavosian Coastlands

The journey to the village of Loros, a place that doesn't even show up on any maps, was long and exhausting. Nights were short, food and water was used sparingly, and the weather was harsh when least expected. I tried to refuse any of Jallen and Mateo's provisions but they wouldn't have it. Just as they wouldn't take a coin of my money no matter how often I offered. I was able to get a little bit of information about the mysterious iron coin from Jallen, but he seemed to be holding something back.

"Valar Morghulis," he said. "It means, 'All Men Must Die'."

"And Valar D..."

"Valar Dohaeris," he finished my thought. "'All Men Must Serve'."

"What does it mean?" I asked, looking over the markings again.

"The saying originated in Braavos," Jallen explained. "It has since become a renowned saying throughout all of Essos. But what many don't know is its association with the House of Black and White."

"The House of Black and White," I repeated slowly.

He nodded. "The home of the Many-Faced God and those who serve only him."

I narrowed my eyes. "The Many-Faced God. You mean the God of Death?"

Since a child I had read many passages about the different religions, new and old, and what they represented. It was a necessity according to our Maester growing up. There were many readings about several types of gods, many that I found strange, but regardless I had forgotten them over the years. My own religion, the Faith of the Seven, seemed to die the night I lost my innocence to evil hands. I had heard in passing from Bravoosi men about serving the God of Death, but nothing that ever turned my head for long.

Jallen smiled at this. "The Many-Faced God goes by many names, but I believe you'll learn all about that once we get you were you need to go."

"But I don't even know where that is," I reasoned. "It's so strange. I feel like I'm being pulled to this place but I have no idea why or what I'll find."

"Sometimes the paths we take need no reason," he replied. "But if you have this coin, dear Keynna, it is not by accident. I can promise you this. You're meant to journey to the House of Black and White. There, I believe you will find what it is that you seek."

And as I lay in my designated cot in a strange, quiet village, I ponder over Jallen's words. Tomorrow, we will journey by ship to Braavos. From there, Jallen will take me himself to the isolated House of Black and White. He doesn't want Mateo to be dragged along for any longer than he needs to, despite how much his son will want to see the quest to the very end.

My bed for the night is angled towards the one window in the room. Jallen and Mateo are asleep down the small hallway. Their distant relatives were hesitant to welcome me until Jallen whispered something I can only assume was about the strange coin I had come to possess. They gave us a small feast and fresh water they had prepared for their family members. They're all very charming, really. And despite the warmth towards me I couldn't help but feel lonely. This was what I had always lacked throughout my growth. Acceptance. A family that nourished rather than berated. I couldn't help but think of my siblings in that moment. Where had Tyrion wandered? What scheme were Cersei and Jaime surely plotting? Father's downfall will affect the kingdom greatly. More greatly than Joffrey's ever could.

Then Mateo had offered me more bread and told me a terrible joke, and I nearly forgot my questions and sorrow. The boy had a way with his demeanor, brightening any face he came across with his blue eyes and easy smile. He was quite the talkative fellow. I nearly confessed my true identity on our journey. Because of the coin or not, Jallen and Mateo's kindness has affected me greatly in ways I didn't expect. It will be difficult to say goodbye, but as Jallen voiced, it is my path.

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