6 - Family Matters

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*this chapter includes Lysandra's POV as well as 3rd person encounters regarding the actions of other characters*


            "So, my brother threatened to kill you..." Sansa says.

            I smile. "He did."

            "And that... brings you joy?" she says in disbelief.

            "He was fierce, your brother," I clarify. "For a moment, I actually thought he meant to end my life. Strangely, I admired him for it. But he was too honorable of a man to harm a woman." I paused, then added "Even a Lannister woman."

            Sansa smiles a little. It fades as her eyes drop to her lemon cakes.

            "And my mother? I reckon she didn't appreciate your presence at camp."

            "Gods, no." I wave my hand, drinking a sip of wine. "She loathed the sight of me. And rightfully so. After the fate of your father, I feared she'd slip into my tent while I was sleeping and end me right there."

            "Why do you think she didn't?"

            I hesitate. "Your brother found me more valuable alive."

            "And he grew fond of you."

            "Amicably," I say, though that wasn't entirely true. "He saw how lost I was after being sold. Although I hated his pity, I believe it's the only reason why I'm sitting here with you today."

            In the end, I hope that pity wasn't the only thing that fueled his softness towards me. In fact, I know it wasn't. But a part of me will always wonder if he grew to care for me in the way I did for him. Though I denied it every chance I got. But Sansa will never understand. I don't think anyone ever will. Not even myself.

            Sansa clasps her hands together, a look of stoic confidence on her face as she straightens her posture. She looks me in the eye, careful not to let emotions betray her face.

            "What is... what was your favorite thing about him?"

            She studies me carefully as I try to pick just one thing I loved about the Young Wolf. She must see something on my face that surprises her, because her face softens slightly. I think back to my time with Robb.

            "His determination was enough to make anyone follow him," I say softly. "But his kindness was what drew me to him. Despite our differences and the hatred between our families, he eventually made me feel like I wasn't alone. He was the only one who treated me like an individual... and not a piece of property or some kind of bargaining piece. He'll always have my gratitude."

            The two of us are silent after that for a long while. We drink seemingly slow and Sansa manages to pick at a few of the food options in front of us. Probably not to seem rude in the presence of a Lannister. I don't feel like eating much myself, but I know I'll need all the strength I can get for what's to come. I can feel a storm nearing. Of what it contains, I do not know. But it won't be pleasant and it's coming for all of us. I need to be ready for whatever these visions mean. Whether they're warnings or simply signs of madness.

My thoughts drift to Bronn waiting a few feet beyond the entrance. He's tasked with watching me today. It turns out Tyrion and Jaime are more fond of their sister than I believed. They're not ready for me to fling myself from the tower just yet. It's strange that the thought comforts me. Perhaps I'm not as alone as I feel. Still, something tells me it won't last long. Lannisters tend to pay their debts eventually, and with recent events I fear we've borrowed far too much in this wicked life we've shared.

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