19 - A Clash of Lannisters

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I didn't expect Cersei to look quite so different. With her short, cropped hair and her grimace, matched with that crown on her head, she looks like the embodiment of beauty and cruelty. She is accompanied by the Mountain, now a foul creature underneath all that armor, and a few others I don't recognize. Though, I do recognize Euron Greyjoy and all the madness that has followed him around. It's as if a veil of evil is swimming around his person, like a black fog, something the Sight has given me that I don't intend to look over. He's one to be watched, never to be trusted. The company my sister intends to keep astounds me, but I can't say I'm surprised.

My heart stops when I see Jaime. How grown up he looks, a thin beard around his face, muscles taut and ready for battle. He looks well, and that brings me joy. When he looks at me, the shock is blatant in his eyes. He stops mid-stride, for just a moment letting his guard down and showing the vulnerability on his face. I was almost afraid he wouldn't recognize me, and maybe he didn't at first glance, but now it's clear that my fear was foolish. For now I wish to crawl somewhere and hide from his gaze. And yet, it takes everything in me not to run to him this very moment.

Jaime gathers himself, glancing at a scowling Cersei before taking his place near her seat. But when she looks away from him, he nods to me, which is more than I could have asked for considering the circumstances. Cersei and I meet each other's eyes and the anger in my heart is rekindled. The way she stares at me, as if she's already won. Her patience grows thin as she waits for the Dragon Queen to arrive. Out of all the people on our side, Euron eyes me quizzically with a darkness behind them. I scowl before turning my attention elsewhere.

Tyrion leans close to me.

"Perhaps he fancies you."

"I'd rather stick daggers in my eyes."

He laughs but it's quickly cut off by Daenerys's arrival. I duck a little on instinct, still not used to the dragons, prompting a smile specifically from Missandei and Jorah. I brush myself off to hide my embarrassment. Still, I know I'll never be used to the creatures, nor will I ever not stare in awe at the sight of their presence.

I smirk as Daenerys descends from her dragon, knowing she's simply showing her amount of power. Something that will greatly get under my sister's skin. Our side stands at her approach and we only sit when she is seated. Cersei grips the arms of her chair.

"We've been here for some time," she says.

Daenerys remains stoic. "My apologies."

She nods to Tyrion and he stands to address the purpose of this meeting. However, he can barely get a word out before Euron talks over him, threatening to kill Theon's sister if he doesn't submit to him in front of everyone now. I grimace, glancing at Theon who looks far less than comfortable, but he holds his ground and says nothing.

"I think we ought to begin with larger concerns," Tyrion says with a furrowed brow.

"Then why are you talking?" Euron sneers, getting up from his seat. "You're the smallest concern here."

I roll my eyes, noticing Jaime doing the same. Tyrion turns to address Theon.

"Do you remember when we discussed dwarf jokes?"

Theon huffs. "His wasn't even good."

"He explained it at the end. Never explain it, it always ruins it."

I smirk. Typical Tyrion, always able to turn one's quip around on them in any situation.

Euron is less than amused, walking closer. Too close for comfort as my hand grips the hilt of my sword on instinct.

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