3 - The Young Wolf

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"If you two don't stop following me, I'm going to fling myself off the castle wall."

"Just tell me what happened," Jaime says, exasperated. He tries to grab my arm but I wrench it from his grip.

"Touch me again and you'll lose the other hand," I snarl.

To my frustration, he looks amused. "It got you to stop walking, didn't it?"

I look to Stalia. "Leave us. Go... tend to my chambers or something. Go for a walk, I don't care!"

She bows to the two of us. "Of course, my lady. Ser Jaime."

"You didn't have to snap at the girl," he teases. "You're becoming testy."

"Will you stop?" I snap.

His expression dampens a little. "What did father tell you?"

I release my clenched fist, feeling the pain of holding it for longer than I realized.

"Nothing," I say. "That he's happy to have me back. That he did what was necessary for our family."

I make sure to leave his accusation of my feelings, and my threat, out of it.

"Then why do you look like that?"

"Because it's a tactic, Jaime," I reply. "You know our father. He manipulates until he gets what he wants. Sound like someone else we know?"

He furrows his eyebrows. Then he gives me a look as realization comes through.

"If father is planning anything-"

"He is."

"Cersei has nothing to do with it."

"You can't be serious," I glance over my shoulder, weary that I'm raising my voice. "After everything she's done? You're still defending her?"

The vulnerability in his eyes makes me back off.

"Fine," I say. "Just don't be the fool she takes you for, brother. It'll get you killed."

The cocky grin is back. "So you do still care."

My coldness doesn't waver. I point a finger at him.

"If not the king, find someone else to guard. You're through following me around."

As I walk away, he calls to me.

"I'm still your brother, Little Shadow."

"A fact I'd like to forget," I call back.

*Blackwater Bay*

Bronn slams my blade to the side with ease.

"You're distracted," he grunts, rolling his now injured shoulder.

I fall back into proper stance. "I'm learning."

"Thought your cock brother taught you how to fight. You know, before he was a cripple."

I duck under his swing and land a swift punch to his shoulder. He cries out involuntary before glaring at me. I smirk.

"I'm learning your weaknesses," I clarify.

He uses his good arm to point his sword at me.

"Are you gonna tell me what's botherin' ya?"

"Besides everything, you mean?"

Our blades sing as they collide in a series of attacks and blocks. Bronn brings his down enough on my wrist to draw blood, making me drop my sword in surprise. He grabs my wrist, twisting me so that my back is against him and his blade at my throat.

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