4 - Little Shadow

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"He said everything's normal," Tyrion says. "Just a strange fever is all. Nothing to get worked up about, brother."

"She's so stubborn," Jaime growls. "If she would just talk to me, maybe I could've known she was ill."

"She's not ill," Tyrion corrects. "She collapsed and she's fine now. And can you really blame her?"

"Whose side are you on?"

"I'm just saying she has every right to be angry with us. It'll pass."

"She's not angry at you."

"Oh, she is. I'm just far more charming than you."

Jaime sighs, clearly frustrated.

"Look," Tyrion says, his voice more sincere. "Lysandra and I were never close as children. We had our moments, sure. But the two of you were inseparable. Surely you must see the confliction."

"The decision to send her off was the right tactic at the time," Jaime replies. "At least I thought it was. I don't know.. Perhaps I'd make a different decision now."

"The decision was father's and you know it."

He shakes his head. "I pushed it through."

Tyrion puts a hand on his brother's arm.

"She will forgive you, brother. Eventually."

Jaime runs a hand over his face.

"I thought it would protect her," he says. "I thought it was a necessary loss."

"We all did. I share the blame just as much as you."

Jaime smirks. "Careful, brother. I think you're becoming more sentimental by the minute."

Tyrion waves a finger at him. "Never."


I lurch upward, gasping violently for air. I immediately have a comforting arm around my shoulders. I jolt until I realize it's Stalia. My hand clutches my chest and I attempt to calm my breathing. I close my eyes and force myself to take a deep breath.

"Lady Lysandra, are you alright?" she rubs my arm.

I massage my temples. "For the last time, please stop calling me Lady when it's just us."

"My apologies."

I push myself up from the bed and move immediately to the window. Gentle daylight caresses my face and I look at the kingdom below. Everything is as it should be. The people are going about their day, the sea is crashing against the shore, swords clash on the training grounds.

"What happened?" I ask.

"They say you collapsed in the gardens," Stalia says. "Your brothers were rather worried. The Maester said you're in perfect health. Just some signs of stress."

"Stress," I laugh. "I suppose that's it. I think I'm going mad, Stalia."

"Why is that?"

"Surely you've heard by now."

"There have been some rumors."

I bury my head in my hands and groan.

"I need a walk," I say.

I begin to walk to my wardrobe but Stalia moves in front of me.

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