Chapter 2- Prod's respect

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"Why don't you just apologise to them?" my best friend Alia was plating up customers food as I prepared the drinks.

"No alia, I'm not backing down, why should I? Seriously all I had done was stick up for Jen. She was the only one who has been nice to me since I arrived at that school. They all treat me like shit, coz I ain’t rich enough and I’m on scholarship" she gave me the food and I put it on the table for a family of four and took off my apron. I needed a break.

"Yeah but Anubia, this guys are popular, every girl in that school wants to get with them, you're lucky they didn't hurt you today, but I know tomorrow something is going to go down. I can feel it" She squinted her eyes and pointed one finger in the air as if she was having eureka moment. I rolled my eyes and we sat down on the bench outside.

"Look Alia, all my life, I have been known to stick up for what is right. You know me that well" Alia sighed before replying.

"But I don't want you to get hurt, I don't want them to suck you dry" raising my eyebrows I gave alia a look.

"You do know they are not vampires’ right."

"Yes but they give me this vibe because they are hot creeps" she replied.

"What the hell are you going on about? What is 'hot creeps'?

"Hot creeps are mysterious and secretive, but they are very good-looking and hot. I have seen a picture of this MB, they did an interview on TV last week. They are so cute, especially that one that goes by the name Roc." she put her hands together as if she was praying.

"OK Al-"

"You two, what are you still doing out here? Get back inside we have customers" I looked through the front window and could only see the family that was there before.

"But Dad-"

"Ju-Just get inside" I and alia dragged ourselves in and continue our shift

My dad dropped me off at school in his mini burger van. I walked into school, dreading the day to come, it was awfully quiet and I was shocked about that. But as I got closer to my locker, I had seen people crowding round it.

I pushed through and stood there to see all my books on the floor, all ripped to pieces and it was filled that horse poop?

"Poor, poor you. How does it feel knowing your MB’s latest target, it must feel good right" Every school has three pretty, bitchy girls who walk around thinking they are all that. Lauren, Stacy and Katie were laughing along with the rest of the people who stood there staring at me. 

Stacy pushed me and I fell into my locker and some of the poop tipped on my head. Some people took out their phones and started taking photos, I stood up and was about to close my locker when I saw little note.

Dear Anubia,

How are you feeling, I wasn't kidding when I said you have become an outcast, until you apologize, this is the rest of your life until you graduate and that’s in two years. Wow two years of torture, I’m looking forward to it. Are you?


(Well you know who it’s from) 

Jen came to help after everyone had left, she helped me into the toilets and cleaned me up, and I had some spare clothes in my bag and shampoo, because I had PE today.

"Are you ok?" I didn't reply

"I’m so sorry, this is my fault."

"Don’t worry about it Jen I chose to help you" she nodded. All of a sudden, I started feeling angry. I knew it was the MB that had done this. Hell no!

Clenching my fist I stomped towards the 'high class' room where only the MB and very few selected people hung out.

Prodigy POV

"hahahahahahahahahahaha" I was laughing so much, my insides was hurting. We had got a boy we know to install mini cctv camera in every class and corridor that Anubia would walk past and we could watch our plan in action on the big screen in here.

"This was so funny prodigy, her face was priceless" ray laughed along. We had been watching this morning’s commotion. It was only us four in here this morning, because we like to chill in here when there's a free lesson.

"Well done for coming up with the idea Ray" we shook hands and continued laughing.

“Well there’s plenty more to come.” Roc and Prince were playing table football and laughing right with us, when we heard the door open wide. Anubia stood there with wet hair and she was now wearing a tight tank top. It showed off her curves and pushed her tits out.

Roc must have noticed as well because he gave her a flirtatious grin. She looked... I shrugged the thoughts off.  WTF am I saying? 

"Anubia, I'm guessing you have come to make an apology" I sat down in an arm chair and put on my shades. Prince and Roc had stopped playing and was looking at Anubia.

"Haha Prodigy, dodgy, splodgy or whatever they call you, I couldn’t give a fuck, I haven't come to make an apology, you can forget about it. you think you're so funny don't you, putting that shit in my locker" I smiled, got to give her credit, she had the nerve to walk up to this room, even though no one  in the whole school would try it and then had the guts to speak to me like that.

It shocked me a little bit, if it wasn't for the fact I was wearing my glasses and no one can see my eyes, they would be able to see my reaction. She stepped closer to me, I thought she was going to hit me, she would have regretted it the instant she did it,

Anubia-" she raised her hand

"Please I've heard it all, I get it, I might not be rich and have money, but I try to give everyone a bit of respect, well guess what, you've lost yours. So none of your shit fazes me. Do whatever you like" she smiled at me, looked at ray, roc and prince, kissed her teeth at them and walked out.

"You see I don't need your respect” I shouted after her but she was already gone.

"She says she don't care, well will see about that" ray said. Prince and roc looked close to laughing; I got pissed off with both of them and looked away.

"Hey baby" Lauren, Stacy and Katie walked in. they all rushed over to me and sat down next to me. Stacy was saying something, but I zoned out. No one has ever talked to me like that; everyone loves me I am prodigy, part of the MB, most popular boys in school. I try to give everyone a bit of respect, well guess what, you've lost yours' rang in my ears all throughout the day


It was so funny today, I swear for a minute, prodigy looked scared and pissed off. Chuckling to myself, I licked my lips at a fine girl who was in my English class as me, roc and prince walked down the corridor.

"What you laughing about?" prince asked me, I guess he must have noticed me smiling.

"Just what’s been happening, that's all" prince and ray started laughing as well.

"I don't know what’s more funny, what happened to Anubia's locker, or Prodigy's face when she stormed in. either way, they were both funny." Ray pulled out his iPhone and showed us a picture of Anubia this morning. I felt bad but that’s what happens when you mess with us. Prince just shrugged his shoulders, not saying much. He has been awfully quiet lately.

"I think for the next few weeks, we should expect some excitement, prodigy won't know what hit him. That Anubia girl looks pretty determined not to back down. She’s like the female version of Prodigy" we laughed again as we sauntered off to our lesson.

"We have music next, Mrs Lloyd is not here. Anubia is in this next class with us. I have set up a trap but we will have to arrive early though."  Shaking my head at ray, he always came up with pranks; we call him the king of pranks. Oh Lord Anubia better be carefully, we aren't gonna back down neither.

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