chapter 6- the 'date'

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Prodigy sat there smiling at me, with his shades on. That just got me mad. I stood up, but got pushed back down by one of the bodyguards. Giving him a disgusted look, prodigy told the guard to wait outside the door.

I was ogling at the room, because of how pretty it was, with its decorative walls and fancy china as well as the big massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The table was covered in light blue and little rose petals. I smiled and then looked at Prodigy, slowly my smile faded.

"You don't like what you see?" He asked me.

"That's cool, well this is my home, maybe if you play your cards right. You might be able to come here more often." hell no! This guy had the nerve to kidnap me, force me on this 'date' and then tell me to play my cards right.

"Listen Prodigy-

"Look I know you like me, so I thought why don't I bring her here to confess her feelings for me?"

"WHAT?" I stood up "Listen carefully Prodigy I don't like you and you can't force me to like you, you can't force a girl to like you. It doesn't work like that. So why don't you just leave me alone."

He looked at me in shock, scoffed and sat back like he was a king sitting on his 'throne'

"Many girls want me but instead I chose you, I could change the way you look in days, from that clothes to the hair, look in the mirror at yourself and tell me you don't like what you see" he pointed to the mirror and I looked in it, not believing what I was seeing. I actually looked pretty, the dress complemented my figure and breast and I looked...sophisticated. But then I snapped back into reality.

"Oh My God! You just don't get it do you, you stupid, vain, selfish, careless, horrible, idiot. You don't need to change the way a girl looks. You accept them for who they are. I get it, I live in a poor neighbourhood, and you think all of a sudden, the poor little girl is not happy, but that’s part of who I am and if you care for me you would accept that. Which you obviously don't, you are just trying to get in my pants. Also you need to bear in mind you’re the reason the whole school hates me. Have you ever considered being nice?" my chair scraped the floor as I advanced towards the door. Prod ran and stood in front of it, blocking my way.

If I didn't know better I would say he looked hurt.

"Move-out-of-my-way" I tried pushing him, but he wasn't budging. So I punched him in the stomach.

Prodigy POV

Why is this girl so violent? The pain was horrific. She tried getting past me but I grabbed her and pushed her, she fell to the floor. Shit! That wasn’t supposed to happen.

"hahahaha" she got so mad she started chasing me around the room. All of a sudden I tripped and she landed on top of me. We were so close I did the only thing I knew. I kissed her.

She pulled back, slapped me: hard and ran out.

"Stay away from me Prod" My body guard Leo walked in and I gave him the nod to let her go.

"You ok? Mr Crippen"

"Obviously not! Can’t you see?! Are you blind?!" suddenly I remember what Anubia said.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks Leo" he looked at me with wide eyes

"What now? Do I have something on my face?" he shook his head and bowed out. I went to lay on my bed, replaying Anubia’s word, this girl seem to be having an effect on me, I'm so tired that all I want to do is take a shower, which I was meant to do earlier, but was too busy putting my plan into action. Damn this girl is so hard to please.

Anubia POV

Taking off my heels, I began making the 45 minutes’ walk to my house, just great. I had just realised I left my clothes at his house. Damn! I'm not going back there, still I couldn't believe this crazy boy kidnap me, he had me thinking I would never see my family again.

But I'm not going to lie, it kind of made me happy he did all that for me 'I bet he did that for all the other girls' and when he kissed me, I felt: I don’t know, but I was too angry so I slapped him, but still I mustn’t forget, he is the reason I am hated and bullied and straightaway I felt angry.

"I love you, you know that" I recognised that voice from somewhere. Turning the corner, I saw Prince standing with a really pretty Indian girl with long black hair and nice voice. I stepped back, not wanting to get caught

"Of course and I love you too" she replied and kissed him. My heart jumped out of my skin and all of a sudden, I felt sadness wash all over me. I thought he liked me as well, guess I was a fool. I could feel the tears welling up as my vision blurred. They continued laughing and after a while they walked away. Throughout the whole journey home, my heart felt like it was breaking in two. I have never cried over a boy in my life. My feelings for him must have been strong.

Prince POV

"You did what?" me Roc and Ray were laughing so much, we were actually physically crying.

"Guys stop it man, I don’t think this is funny"

"Wait you got Leo to kidnap her, then you dressed her up with the help of your maids and try to have a date with her." Ray couldn't stop laughing. We were round Roc’s house after school.

"You know when you said you wanted to show her the high life, I didn’t think you were actually gonna kidnap her" Roc added

"Yeah but, she wouldn't have agreed would she? Anyways you said surprise her, do anything"

"But I didn’t mention kidnap, did I?" I replied, prodigy looked remorseful.

"Then she punched me in the stomach, so I kissed her" we were howling. This guy is so funny.

“You guys are unbelievable, you know I have never tried this hard for a girl, normally they just throw themselves at me" he sat down on the bed and fiddled with his finger. We all looked at each other in shock. Is this the Prod we knew? Roc sat next to him and pulled his hat, Prod quickly stopped him before he could.

"Don't touch it" Prod spat. Me and Ray 'oohed', just to piss him off even more, Roc turned away for five seconds and pulled his hat again, this time he succeeded. Ray gasped next to me.

"Erm prod why is your hair red?" we all stared at him.

"I don't know, I was washing my hair last night and I don't know what happened, next thing you know I wake up in the morning and my hair is red. I can't continue going school like this what the fuck man? Someone is bound to find out, this can’t be happening to me. I'm Prodigy"

I actually felt bad for him.

"Prod; don’t you have your very own hair stylist, why don't you get him to help you?"

"I did, but he couldn't do anything. What a dick, I mean he is one of the best and can't even dye my hair. So I fired him" we laughed, this boy is unreal sometimes.

"Ok, you know what we will just have to do something about that, you look like a tomato head for fuck sake, girls might dig you, but they wouldn’t dig you now with this hair. Don’t worry, I know just the person" Roc dabbed Prod, you can trust Roc to come up with a plan.

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