chapter 11- twinkle twinkle little star.....

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When prod told me his step mum or step bitch is coming I didn't get what the fuss was all about but then the guys arrived as well looking scared. Who would have thought the most popular fierce some guys at school would be scared of Prod’s stepmom.

"Come on Nu lets go, I'll take you to my house, Ray let's go" prince grabbed my things and told me to follow him. I gave Prod a quick kiss and smiled before following Prince. He was looking good today, rocking the rock t-shirts as usual.

"Prince what's the big deal with Prod's step mum" they laughed and prince looked at me while trying to keep his eyes on the road.

"I’ll explain when we get to my house, oh and when we get there. My erm...girlfriend is there. Don’t stare at her face" I nodded and when we arrived at Prince's house, it was the most beautiful apartment I have ever seen.

"Wow" I murmured. They led me into the house and a pretty Asian girl came out and kissed Prince. She had burnt scars on her neck and a long scar running from her the top of her eyebrows to her eyelids.

"Hello I'm Anubia"

"Priya" she smiled and looked at Princeton you could tell they were in love.

"So you want to know why Prod's mum is a psycho well sit down and we'll tell you..." Princeton said.

 Whoa was all I could say.

"She called the cops on you guys and had you chucked in jail"

"Yep" Ray replied nodding

"How old were you guys?"

"Eleven" Princeton and Ray replied in unison. She actually sounded crazy they spent a night in a grown jail, all because they had skipped class to go to the cinema to watch the Simpson's Movie. The guys continued telling me more crazy stories about her and she really was starting to scare me. The guys could tell, but they really wanted me to let myself know what I was getting into.

"Thanks guys"


A month had passed since the incident with Prod's stepmom, we both didn’t say anything about it and just left it at that, we haven't had enough time for each other lately because coursework were due this month and everyone was trying to get them done. But we text each other regularly, we weren’t official yet and I don't know where we stand to be honest. No one knows about our relationship yet, but the bullying has stopped.

"Hey" I jumped

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" Prod looked good today; he had on a black suit and black t-shirt and was wearing his long black coat over it since as it was chilly today. I knew he had his final presentation this afternoon

“Coursework finishes today how about I take you out?" he flashed me a smile.

"Sure why not, it’s been long since we did anything"

"Alright I'll pick you up at seven" he kissed my lips and jogged off.


"Anubia, will you be my...girlfriend?" we had been sitting here for an hour and a half in the most expensive restaurant I had ever been to. Personally we didn’t have the money to afford something like this, so I tried to absorb everything just in case I never came here again. Prod was looking at me waiting for an answer

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