Chapter 4- the weird kidnap

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I walked down the corridor and could hear people calling me names, but I didn't care, I blew them a kiss and sauntered off shaking my butt.

There was a rumour going round, that I had sex with 7 seven guys last weekend and I might be pregnant. I didn't deny them because it would show they were getting me. Issa had brought my mood up this week no one can bring it down.

Bruises were on my wrist from where one of the guys had held me down; a shiver went down my spine. I was holding my phone and smiling to myself. 

Earlier today

I was making my way to music when I saw prodigy looking at himself in the mirror.

"Damn I look so fly, plenty wanna be me, wanna know me" taking out my phone, I started recording. He continued doing this for about 10 minutes, even doing a swagger walk, but he ended up tripping over his on lace and fell over. I was about to laugh but stopped myself. He dropped his gym bag on the floor and walked into the toilet. Then I had an idea.

I opened his bag and found a bottle of very expensive shampoo, I added about 7 drop of red dye that Mrs James let me borrow for my food project into it, shook it together and placed it back carefully.

"What’s going on?" Princeton was standing in front of me. He sat down, crossing his feet. This has become our special place now. He put his earphone in; I could hear rock music blasting from it.

"Wanna listen?" he must have caught me staring, I nodded, he gave me one piece, I recognise this song, even though I wasn't a fan of rock music.

"Living on a prayer, take my hands..." I sang along with him.

"You’re really good" we said to each other in unison and laughed. He grabbed my wrist and I winced in pain.

"What’s wrong?"

"erm nothing, it was just an instant reaction" he knew I was lying.

"lemme me see."

"No its nothing, seriously prince"

"Let ME SEE" he grabbed my other wrist and I cried in pain.

"What the HELL?" he didn't bother asking me for permission, this time he pulled both my shirt sleeves up and inspected my wrists. Damn, they look really bad.

"What happened, Anubia? Don't try and deny it. I ain't stupid." I stood up.

"Why are you being nice to me? Stop it, you're part of the MB for all I know, you might have got them guys to try and rape me" shit I said too much, that was not suppose to happen. Tears slid down my face, what was happening to me? I am strong and stand up to myself, now I just feel so weak. 

"How could you guys scoop so low, I mean I get you want to ruin my life, but to try and get someone to rape me? That’s just-“he gave me a tissue and I wiped my face.

"Don’t start jumping to conclusion, it wasn't us, even we are not that horrible” 

"Yeah right. I don't believe you." he looked pissed off

"Fine come with me" he marched off, I guess he was going to the 'high class room'.


"Guys I have come up with a theory of why Anubia won’t apologise" Prodigy said playing with an apple

"Great. This is going to be good" I and ray stopped playing on the PS3.

"I think that she’s scared you know. Her dignity after all is on the line. You know what I'm saying my nigga?"

"Right" I said sarcastically, me and ray looked at each other and shook our head. We looked over at Prod, we think he has gone to his own world, because we all know Anubia is a ghetto girl, I doubt she’s scared of Prod.

"I think she’s frightened of what I'll do because of her feelings."

"Feelings?" I and Ray repeated.

"I think- I think Anubia fancies me, I mean she’s just trying to hide it." Prod continued. I had to say something.

"Wait lemme get this straight. She scared of you because she has feelings for you" I and Ray were close to bursting out laughing. Prod was oblivious to this. This boy might be smart, a good singer and dancer as well as being like a brother to me, but sometimes he acts like he is living in rich boy world.

"Right Prod, you keep thinking that"

"Maybe if she plays her card right, I might show her what it’s like to be rich" prod said again chuckling to himself, this nigga is crazy.

"Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, she still hasn't apologise Prod, as well, you know she slept with a dozen guys this weekend." Ray told him. The door burst open and Prince walked in looking pissed off with Anubia right behind him. Wait what were they doing together?

"I have a question to ask you guys, please answer me honestly" we all nodded.

"Did any of you, try to get two guys to rape Anubia here?" he pointed towards her. Prodigy jumped up looking concerned and sat back down. Does he like her? 

"We would never do that, we are not that sad" prince smiled

“Thanks roc"

"same here, I mean, I might be a jerk half the time, but I love my mom more than anything and wouldn't wish on anything like that happening to her. So I wouldn't wish it on you"

"Thanks ray" we all looked at Prod

"What? It wasn't me!"

"Liar" Anubia shouted.

"If it wasn't for my brother saving my life, those guys would have taken my virginity away from me" Wooah I wasn't expecting that. She put her hands over her mouth.

"But you slept with seven men, this weekend." Ray said.

"About that, I might have to take responsibility for spreading that around." I had to have sex with Katie, this weekend in return for her spreading this shit. Anubia walked right up to me and kicked me in between my legs. I slowly slid to the floor as the pain took over.

Prodigy POV

I was in shocked. Anubia just kicked Roc and he was on the floor in pain and she’s a virgin. Wow would never have expected that.

"Okay I deserve that" roc managed to say. She looked over at me, wait did I smile at her?

"If you had anything to do with this I swear, no amount of bodyguards will stop me from kicking your ass" she poked me in the chest and stomped off. My eyes wondered over to her ass as she walked off. Her ass was fine.

"What were you doing with her anyway?" Ray asked Prince, as he helped Roc off the floor.

"err I overheard her talking to Jen about it and thought we needed to clear our name before she starts thinking we had shit to do with this" Ray nodded at him. My mind drifted off and I was thinking about Anubia, i had the perfect plan. She just waits and sees.

I was walking home, since I had no money for the bus, when a Rolls Royce pulled up next to me. I began taking big steps. Before I could run two big guys grabbed me and covered my mouth. I was screaming and shouting. They shoved me into the back of the car and got in.

"Let’s go" they sat down either side of me, when one of their phones started ringing.

"Yeah we got her boss" Oh My God. My heart was beating fast and all I could think was my life was over and I never got to say goodbye to my parents, alia and Jen.

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