Chapter 19- When I see you

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Listenng to Fantasia- when I see you, when I wrote this chapter.


Did I hear right? She just asked me to sleep with her, as much as it’s getting me excited she offered me her body, the feeling suddenly vanished when I realised what I had to do. No matter how much I wanted her to be mine, it had to be done the right way. It wasn’t going to be easy what I had to say but I just couldn’t do it to her.

"N-No." she stared at me in confusion.

"Oh." I grabbed both her hands and made her look at me. Oh lord here goes nothing.

"Anubia th-this isn’t because of you, trust me I really want you, you know I do, but I have something to tell you... I'm leaving." we stayed in silence for a while and I was expecting her to say something.

"Anubia I'm leaving as in going to Italy to look after my dad's business deal by late tomorrow afternoon and I do not know when I'm going to be back." she sighed and looked away.

"Anubia would you fucking say something?"

"What do you want me to say?! I don't even wanna talk about this. Just go" my blood was boiling.

"Why are you being like this?!"

"Like what, don't touch me, just go ok?"

"No I'm not going." I stood in the doorway staring her down, she was being too stubborn, and it’s not my fault. I wish I didn’t have to go because I knew my step mom had something to do with this. She was meant to be overseeing the company if my dad couldn’t instead she’s sending me just to get me away from Anubia.

"Fuck off Craig."

"One minute you're asking me to take you, now you're being a bitch. What would you rather be glad I took you and left early in the morning like you were some kind of slut? Well you should have said." that earned me a slap and my face stung.

"So you were planning on leaving early in the morning, when were you going to tell me? So you were going to make me believe that everything was fine?"

"Can you hear yourself for fuck sake? Ok Anubia I'll go. Sorry it’s my fault that in what less than a day, I’m getting shipped off a foreign land and I decided to spend those times I have left with my girl instead of my boys. Its might fault that I wanted to hold you for a couple more hours to remind myself of how you taste or smelt or even like before I go. Its might fault for being selfish by not taking your virginity when you asked me to because I didn’t want you to wake up in the morning and I'm not there. Sorry I guess it’s also my fault for loving you. Goodbye." I slammed the door to her house and kicked the wall so hard it may have left a bruise on my toe. The rain was coming down even harder and every drop was icy and chilly, but the anger and tugging I felt in my heart meant I didn’t care if I caught a cold or even pneumonia. To be honest I just felt empty

Anubia why did you have to be so stubborn?



I clasped my hand over my mouth to stop the cry from escaping; instead I picked up my alarm clock and smashed it to piece by bashing it on the wall

Stupid stupid, I'm so fucking stupid.

He came over to spend time with him and I pushed him away because he was leaving just like everyone. For once my mind was going crazy because I was being a selfish girlfriend. It must be worst for him having to move with no friends and no family especially with his dad in hospital. This feeling just made me want to brutally hurt myself. it was too late to run outside and call him back because I had let my pride get in the way of doing what’s right.

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