Chapter 30- Engaged. Engaged. Engaged.

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"I guess I'll see you soon." Craig took off his glasses tucking them onto the hem of his shirt.

"Yeah I guess you will." I kissed him, letting the warmth of his mouth blast away my senses.

"I'm sorry it couldn't have been different."

"Don't apologise, just come back to me that's all I ask." the final plane calls were being made to Bermuda Triangle and I realised this was it. I wanted to call him back but I knew I would have been selfish. He kissed my head and buried his face into my neck.

"I love you." I grinned feeling a tear fall my face.

"I love you too." he wiped it away kissing my cheeks; I know he didn't want to leave.

"Go before you miss your flight. Make sure you don't open my present until you’re off in the sky." he nodded dragging his hand luggage with him. He gave a final bye and he was gone. I wanted to break down so bad but kept my head held high; a year would go by in no time. Although I'll be in Berkeley, I just hope I get to see him again. 

I breathe a sigh of relief; step- bitch was out of my life for now. Mr Crippen and step bitch decided to get marriage counselling advice. After the big wedding showdown, she had a tiny bit of a breakdown when she realised she ruined the chances of reconciling with her only child. Even though step-bitch was bitter she did love Craig’s dad but what happened years ago scarred her moral judgement. That was why she was trying to dictate Craig’s life, felt I was too lowly for him, just like my mum had been to lowly for dad. She felt I would have dragged him down, just like my mum had dragged my dad down. But what she didn’t know was my mother never pulled my father down, she made him happy, she made him feel like he could come home to a family every night regardless of how bad life got and we may not have had much; we had each other. Despite my father not becoming a rising basketball star, he was a star to my mother. Like some people say ‘kids are the fruit of their parent’s labour’, my father giving up his dreams for my mum, making sure we had the life he didn’t have growing up paid off because my brother is the one with the scholarship and the one with the bright future.

Me? I was following my dreams, there is no such thing as can’t. Step- Bitch thought she could stop me being with Craig, she only made us realise there was gaps that needed to be filled in his life before the foundation of our relationship could begin set.

Step- bitch ruining Cece and Issa’s relationship only made my brother more determined to be better in life in order to prove, he is just the right guy for Cece.


It was now and this is what I needed to do. I wanted; in fact I needed a break from my life altogether and this was the best way to do it. From a small age I’ve carried the knowing weight on my shoulders I would eventually get my father's business passed down to me. I knew nothing about my heritage; my father was never around much to tell me stories and facts about his life.

My childhood was the best; it was carefree, hakuna matata and all that. Anything I wanted was given to me, but Anubia made me realise happiness doesn't come with money, it comes from things that can't be bought like love- from family, friends and from anyone who cares about you.

I knew my father wasn't happy about the yearlong break but I needed the closure from knowing more about my mother's family. My father and my grandma never got along and may be that was the reason I couldn’t recognise my mum's family if I see them on the streets.

Cece will be meeting me here in a week’s time just because we both needed this. I took out Anubia's present from the paper wrapping and smiled.

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