Chapter 1 Caught

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I wake up. Perfect day to practice. I get outside, I send little flames of fire towards the tree I grew yesterday.
A few years ago I was just chilling in my bedroom when I discovered I'm magic. I have all these different powers. I can summon fire, ice, water, I can grow plants of all kinds, I've made some crazy powers too. And now I'm just trying to learn how use them properly.
So now I sit here, and send all my powers into this oddly shaped tree I attempted at growing just yesterday. It's a peaceful day, perfect for practicing. When suddenly the wind picks up. It's so bad I can barley stay standing. Then it all suddenly stops. I just shrug it off and go back to tourturing the poorly grown tree.
Before I know it two people are
grabing me by the arms and dragging me away. I try to scream but nothing comes out. Another gust of incredible wind, and everything goes dark.

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