Chapter 2 Explanation

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I sit there quietly. Scared to death. I hear mutters in the distance that I assume are my captors. I can pick up a few things they're saying.
"Is she the one?"
"How will we know?"
"Just ask her some questions and if we think it's her then we can bring in the boy, if not, u know what we need to do."
Then the talking stopped. And I hear footsteps coming my way. Then before I know it, I'm being dragged again. Soon we come to a room and the lights flick on. I have to hold my hands up to my eyes and squint to see through the blinding light of the room. Once my eyes adjust I see that the room is all white. There are no windows and there is a big rectangular table with eight chairs, six taken by tall men in black suits.
"Where am I?" I ask.
"Have a seat." One of the men says.
I sit on one of the open end seats and sit there, frozen from fear.
"What's your name?" One man asks.
"Adaline," I reply.
Two men start whispering things to each other that I couldn't decipher.
"My names Shar,"one man replied."and we need to know when you first discovered your powers."
"6 months ago." I answered.
"And what powers do u have?" Shar asked.
"Too many to count," I said
All the men exchanged some glances, then looked back at me again.
"Your on the planet of Veta, where everyone has powers, and you are special. Most people have one, two, or maybe three powers. But you, and another boy, have almost all of them. You have all the destruction powers, and he has all the healing, although you may have some healing and vice versa. You will stay on this planet and learn how to use you powers properly, Shar will show you around, and give you your house." A man explained.
Then I was led out of the room by Shar and he started to show me around the new place.

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