Chapter 16 Mom

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I turned in a slow circle. Taking in the new surrounding. I knew where I was almost instantly. I was in the parking lot of the park I blew up just a year or two ago. I walked around to go see what the park looked like now. I hadn't been there since that day. The place had looked no different. It was still brown grass and burnt trees. The place didn't look like anyone went near it since the accident. I stood there looking at the park when the boys came over.
"You okay?" Illijah worried.
"Oh-um... Yeah yeah I'm fine." I said
"Great! First stop, your moms house." Shar said, eager to get going. I wasn't sure how long it had been since Shar had been to earth. I figured it was awhile ago since he was so happy and jumpy.
"We are only a block away from her house." I said. I started leading the two to my moms house. As we walked I took in the place. It had been merely a week since I'd been here. Yet, it felt like ages. I couldn't believe how unfamiliar the place was.

We arrived at my moms house and I knocked on the door. I was feeling nervous, I was scared that she might be terribly ill. My dad opened the door and smiled.
"You made it," he started. "come in, mom will happy to see you, and your friends,"
I walked in and felt nothing. No connection, no sense of being home. It made me sad to think that I had forgotten about this place in a matter of a week. My dad led us up to my mom's and his bedroom. When I walked in, it took all I had to not imeadiatley start crying. My mom was laying in the middle of the bed, the comforter up to her chin. She was sickly pale, and she was breathing unevenly. We didn't have any money to take her to the hospital for proper care. I walked up to side of the bed and kneeled by the bedside. My mom turned and smiled.
"I didn't think I was ever going to see you again," she said weakly. I couldn't get any words out, seeing her struggle just to speak made me feel awful. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I started crying.
"Oh Adaline, don't worry, I'll be fine. it's just a small fever," she said calmly. Illijah walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I was crying a lot now.
"Hey, why don't we just go downstairs for a minute, and you can come back when your ready?" Illijah said quietly.
"Okay," I replied. I stood up, and walked out of the room. Once I walked downstairs, I fell into Illijah's arms, and cried.
"She's not gonna make it," I sobbed.
"She'll be fine, she's strong," he replied softly.
"Can we do anything?" I asked
"Afraid not, magic only works on people with magic," he said sadly. I sobbed even more. There's was nothing I could do to help my mother. She was going to die.
"I'm going back up," I said, wiping the tears off my cheeks. Illijah nodded and we went back up. When I got back in my dad was sitting on the edge of the bed holding my moms hand. I ran over and kneeled by the bed again.
"Adaline." my mother said
"Yeah mom?" I said, welling up with tears again.
"Your going to do great things, don't give up, I love you, but it's my time." she said calmly.
"No, no your gonna be fine," I said getting nervous.
"Goodbye Adaline," she said. Then she closed her eyes and her breathing slowed.
"No mom!" I cried.
She took one last breath, and pasted. She was gone. My mother was dead. I got up and ran out of the room, and ran outside. I went out in the grass and fell to the ground. I screamed and cried. Everyone was outside now, and everyone had tears in their eyes. No matter how close you were to someone, watching them die is sad. We all sat in silence for a while.
"Gram is coming, I'll be staying with her awhile," my dad finally said.
I just nodded and tried to stop crying.

Almost an hour pasted before Shar spoke up.
"I'm truly sorry, really I am. But the council is pushing us to keep going," he said sadly.
"Okay, dad I'll see you again sometime, I guess," I said as I walked to give him a hug.
"I'll visit you soon," he said softly. I let go and turned to walk out the door.
"Let's go," I said, feeling empty. As we left my grams car pulled up. My grandma didn't like me because of what I was. My grandpa was like me and my dad. And my grandma didn't like it. If my grandpa wasn't so sweet she wouldn't have married him she hated it so much. As we walked past her car I just waved and kept walking. She just looked at me and ignored my little wave.
"Where now?" I said glumly.
"Anywhere we can find people," Shar answered.
"Are you suggesting we go to school and find some kids?" Illijah asked raising his eyebrow.
"Sounds good to me," he replied. They both turned to me and I said,
"Schools this way" And I started leading them to towns little school.

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