Chapter 14 Celebration

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We arrived at town square where all the rest of the survivors were gathered. The town square was just a four way road intersection with a fountain in the center. It also has a big stage with a podium off a feet feet in the grass in the corner of to roads that where crossing. There wasn't many people left. maybe 1,000 total. we had lost well over half of the people who used to live here. As soon as we got in sight of a few people, they started cheering and soon did everyone else. It was nice and all but it was a little overwhelming. We soon had a bunch of people surrounding us asking us questions.
"Where have you been?"
"Were you really asleep?"
Things like that. The council members were all on the stage, and Shar soon was up there too.
"I know this is a celebration so I'll keep this short," Shar began. "we fought with all we had and gave it our best, now we are very short in numbers so we have to search for more of us. now the council can't leave because we have to run this place, but I want a small group of people to go. Two people I know are going is Illijah and Adaline since they have been on earth most of their lives and know what it's like there. I will decide a few more people and announce them shortly after, until then, enjoy the celebration." Shar exclaimed as he stepped off the stage and came walking back towards us.
"So you guys think your up for the challenge?" He asked with grin.
Me and Illijah both looked at each other and and said in unison
"Great and I-" Shar was cut off by some girl who started freaking out next to us.
"Shar! How are you walking? You were paralyzed?" She yelled worried.
Shar just grinned at Illijah and said
She seemed to know exactly what he was talking about because she turned and looked at Illijah with the biggest most hysterical grin ever. I tried not to laugh. this girl couldn't have been more than 8 years old.
"That's so cool! Oh my god I gotta go tell all friends! You guys are awesome and I gotta now bye!" She said quickly and then ran to go tell her friends.
"Where was I, oh yeah just make sure no one discovers you. take anyone who has powers and bring them here imeadiatley." He said. then we all heard a pitched shriek, us three turned to where it was coming from, and found it was the girl and her group of friends.
"I think I'm gonna go take a walk," I said. "I'll catch up with you guys later though." I turned and started walking away before Shar stopped me.
"One more thing, your parents, they said hi, and they miss you, but they know it's better for you here." he said awkwardly.
I just nodded and kept walking. I really missed my parents. We fought a lot but I still loves them. I didn't even get to say goodbye. As I walked I kept thinking about my parents.
"Adaline?" I familiar voice called.
I looked around but didn't see anyone who seemed to be calling my name, so I kept walking. I got back to the school and didn't even realize how far I had really walked. That's when I heard that familiar voice again.
I turned around to try and find the source of the noise, but I still couldn't see anyone in sight. I turned back around to walk when I almost ran into someone. it was a tall, nicely dressed man with dark colored short hair. I took one look at his face and knew. it was my dad. I gave him a big hug and tears started to well up in my eyes. I didn't think I would ever see my parents again, let alone on Veta.
"How did you get here? Did mom come?" I asked eagerly.
"The council brought me here...... but your mom..." there was a long pause. "She's really sick, we were afraid to bring her because we didn't know if the travel would make it worse."
"Well we have to go back, we have to do something!" I yelled, tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Don't worry, she will be fine, I have to go back tonight and I will take care of her." he replied calmly.
"Let me come with you, I have to she her," I protested.
"I'm sorry, I already asked, they won't let you come," he said sadly
This made me angry. My mother was sick, and who knows how badly. I needed to see her, if she didn't live through this, I wasn't there to say goodbye.... No, I was going to see my mom no mater what.
"I have a plan, I'll be there in less than a week." I said full of confidence. " I have to go, I'll see you soon," I promised. I gave him one more hug, and turned and walked back towards the town square. I was going on this trip. I was going to see my mother.

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